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- https://canada-dating.webtourist.net/
- https://canada-dating.mp3.ms/
- https://canada-dating.terraetela.it/
- https://canada-dating.100web2.it/
- https://canada-dating.iiiib.org/
- https://canada-dating.active-tracking.de/
- https://canada-dating.1topdirectory.com/
- It’s nice to have friends who you can share your business with. But unfortunately, mine live in different states or countries than me. Then there are a other friends in my town who I will never have that with, and I think to myself, should I throw the whole thing away just because they aren’t up to snuff in this particular aspect? Sometimes a girl can just keep the judgement to a minimum by mitigating the root cause of judgement, which is a feeling of competition. Here is my three-point plan for stopping the sense of competition: 1, Boldly proclaim your losses. 2, Give her nothing but encouragement when she tells you her stories. 3, Keep the best parts of your stories to yourself. In this way I can satisfy both my need to be nice and my need for intellectual growth through tests of my “pride and ego”, as you put it. But mostly I’m just trying to be nice.
- DF on January 9, 2009 3:32 am
- Generally speaking, men have built better coping mechanisms for losing in competition than women. That is because men have had so many outlets in which to pursue competitiveness (mostly sports today) but avenues that have existed for millenia. If you want to get better you train, bury the ego, and seek advice from mentors and close friends. The differences between men and women could not be more stark because we men bond as a result of competition. Women on the other hand do not because they’ve never had as many outlets to begin with. As a result they don’t possess the same coping mechanisms that we do from losing. Thats my 2 cents for ya.
- Patrick Bateman on January 9, 2009 3:48 pm
- Roosh is right. Girls actually believe their own shit, so they can’t help repeating it to their friends. Imagine if you truly believed you were the king of England. That’s how sure the girl who used to fuck guys for coke is that she’s only had 4 sex partners.
- That time she got gangbanged by 10 guys at a frat party?
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