- https://states-personals.unitedkingdomdirectory.com/
- https://states-personals.floridarealestatedirectory.com/
- https://states-personals.magiclibraries.info/
- https://states-personals.guildwargamers.com/
- https://states-personals.babulaweb.com/
- https://states-personals.brueckenbau-links.de/
- https://states-personals.pcmhz.com/
- https://states-personals.uogonline.com/
- https://nyc-dating.newyorkspacesmag.com/
- https://states-personals.euroranking.de/
- https://states-personals.spielespielen24.de/
- https://states-personals.startrichting.nl/
- Seriously, I think I can master what it is you teach with just the blog, but in doing this I realized that I have to change EVERYTHING about myself, how I view the world, what I want in life, etc. The only reason I can do this is because I'm fucking smart, and it is now my main motivation in life (after graduating college, that is). Most people are not smart, and most guys do NOT have the tolerance for pain to make such a transition without someone actually giving them hands on advice and help.
- Women can be pretty damn heartless, and many of your readers have been through that in the past, and aren't willing to fight through failure on their own. You need to help these guys- seriously..... you are pretty much the ONLY person who is in this field who isn't a lying sack of SHIT (an PlayerSupreme is also the real deal.) Maybe a couple of others, but that's IT....
- I loved Nintendo. In fact, at one point I owned over 100 videogames. With that being said, I also found time for women and standing up for myself as a man. And I believe that you are correct, if a guy ever wants to become really good with women, then he needs to address the issue head on instead of trying to find little sneaky ways to make women like him. Women want men, and if you aren't a real man about your shit, women will see right through it, no matter how you try to dress it up.
- I believe that this is why a lot of PUAs can approach 100+ women and not get a single lay. They use all of these techniques, but none of that matters if they never get their manhood. Most PUAs are afraid to confront their manhood head on. They tiptoe around the feelings of others, and try to make everyone else happy. They try to attract women without risking getting their feelings hurt. They just can't stand the fact that people might not like them if they do what they really want to do, and say what they really want to say.
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