- https://talknchat.net/read-blog/9340
- https://www.emazoo.com/blogs/96655/Bad-Ass-Surgeon-Attitude-You-Should-Re-Create
- https://www.debwan.com/blogs/140633/How-To-Be-A-Bad-Boy-Like-Adrien-Brody
- https://programacion.net/foros/visual-basic/the_alpha_code_355466
- https://product-dev.younetco.com/mobile/blog/1837/contacting-a-girl-online-for-the-first-time/
- https://usa.life/read-blog/5629
- https://demo.socialengine.com/blogs/2274/956/some-key-tips-to-get-a-girl-to-like-you
- https://www.graphistesonline.com/-freelance-prestataire-teletravail-stainmann.html
- https://www.businesslistings.net.au/Dating_Services/Amsterdam/LA_Media_Ltd/649845.aspx
- http://wikimapia.org/external_link?url=https://www.loveawake.com/free-online-dating/Netherlands-dating-service.html
- https://purothemes.com/support/users/okcupid/
- https://themepalace.com/users/eharmony/
- https://www.spyropress.com/forums/users/tinder/
- https://open-banking-sandbox.developer.eu.apiconnect.ibmcloud.com/node/11087
- OTOH, if she wasn’t attractive, would she really be my soul mate?
- November 21, 2009 1:18 am
- @ clio: Type I error vs Type II error. I believe Type I error is so feared by most women these days that advocating risking type II error is actually desirable. Yes, the unlikely Type II error women will feel bad, but *on average* it is a better option than current state of affairs.
- You are arguing against Type II error because you estimate that it would have been bad for you, but that doesn’t make it generalizable advice. It seems that you are generalizing anecdotal evidence, or, at best, evidence that is not historically relevant.
- Note: Null hypothesis: this man is the best I can get vs other potential men or staying single.
- aliasclio PERMALINK
- November 21, 2009 2:40 am
- Il Capo, I use anecdotal evidence here (and I did not claim it was evidence, btw), because I don’t see how statistical surveys could prove anything at all in a matter of this kind.
- I don’t think the way you’ve chosen to frame women’s dilemma is quite realistic either. What’s more likely to happen to a young middle-class woman today is that she will meet someone with whom she does fall in love, let’s say between 18-21. But neither she nor her “partner” takes the relationship seriously because they each believe that they ought to have more Experience, more Experimentation, more time on their own, before choosing to marry. They’ve been taught that it’s somehow declasse to marry too young, without money or a house.