never mix personal shyte with business

From Anonymous, 1 Year ago, written in Plain Text, viewed 151 times.
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  10. You overread my remarks. I was only addressing raw physical intimidation, not the kind of importuning you describe. I was talking about the very core of this; you’re talking about esoterica like losing one’s job. The examples I used were coming from a very different dynamic. Being made uncomfortable isn’t they same as assault, which is what i was describing. Actually it’s battery (an unwanted touching-the legal definition). I have no doubt you encountered some of the hassles you mentioned, but I was merely addressing the PHYSICAL dynamic. That’s all. to the extent I went beyond that, I described how I did not give a shit if someone saw me naked. Or if she saw my dick ‘cuz I didn’t zip up. As for your last point, I might be unemployable, but the bitch would have to pull her arm out of her asshole to make me so. My point was admittedly puerile and not intended to address workplace harassment of men by women. I still think it’s a man bite dog story, not a real big problem,and I’m sure I’ll be subjected to more thimble-eyed analysis by uptight anal nit pickers who can’t grasp the necessity for some degree of generalization in conversation in order to have a logical discourse, who require such a degree of exactitude and over-qualification for every single fucking point made that by the time the point is made there is no motherfucking reason for making it. I work with lawyers; the sentence isn’t even out of your mouth before they start thinking of exceptions to your premise, onion-slicing everything until the idea bends in on itself, crawls up its own asshole, and disappears. Susan-do I have an anal fetish?
  12.  80 tmunson November 17, 2011 at 9:55 pm
  13. @Dr.Doom
  15. I don’t know what to do, apologize because I thought you were not serious or because I believe you are. I have never heard of a guy dissed by straight guys like this, nor can I imagine any guy, even the most pusillanimous I’ve ever known, not attempting some type of physical response to protect himself, rather choosing to “ignore” it. That simply does not comport with anything, anything, in my experience. If this truly happened to you I will say this: to allow this, in the manner described, shows that you were unimaginably damaged BEFORE the sexual importuning occurred,that  you had no proper sense of self, let alone manhood, and no perspective of your existence; I have no other words for you.
  17.  81 Jesus Mahoney November 17, 2011 at 10:16 pm
  18. Susan-do I have an anal fetish?
  20. No, you just like talking out of your ass. It’s not really the same thing.
  22.  82 Susan Walsh November 17, 2011 at 10:16 pm
  23. @Nate Winchester
  24. That’s exactly what Katie Roiphe is protesting – sucking all the life out of the workplace so that people must resort to sitting in cubicles like drones, interacting with one another as little as possible.

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