Initiatives Aimed at Helping American Men

From Anonymous, 6 Months ago, written in Plain Text, viewed 96 times.
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  10. 3) People believe stereotypes associated with “race” and in many cases go out of their way to prove them to be true. Stereotypes are a funny thing- they are based off of a loose observation of a group of people- and do not explain the nature of behavior nor do they explain actions of a whole. So they are inherently wrong! Get that- they are wrong! When people say or think race- they bring up stereotypes and use them as a guide to explain the behavior of an entire group of people. Most important note of stereotypes is how they do not stick to white people. They may have a few cultural stereotypes dealing with being Italian or Irish, but as a whole they dont have any that are as negative as a racial stereo type. No one goes crying to the hills cus white people moved in next to them, No one believes that white people eat a type of food and then go out of their way to market it to them. No one believes that white “race” is stupid, prone to irrational violence. You’ll never hear anyone say a white person is a credit to their race.
  11. 4)As far as the United States is concerned, race is used as a form of cast system. Minorities tend to feel if they are dating, or marring a white person, they are either going up on the economic latter or they dating someone who is better then a minority. And in other cases they dont want to date out side of their race to prove that they have some form of racial pride. When white people go out of their race they believe that they are dating or marrying someone who is bellow their class and or dating into some stereotype “Asians are smart- Asian women are so obedient.”
  12. 5) Racism is wrong, stereotypes are wrong and believing in them makes you stupid and weak. People are people no matter what. Falling into a belief system biased on either hate, or imaginary expectations of a group of people becasue of the color of their skin makes your understanding of the world weak and leaves you as a person open to manipulation of other people.

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