Black guys dating white chicks

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  79. Furthermore their skins still remain thicker than the thin easily wrinkling skins of Europeans. Then maybe you will understand that all of those comments linked to the same IP address are coming from different people who are all using TOR, or some other appropriate facsimile. Because follow me closely here to be a 19 year old virgin I would have to…be a 19 year old virgin.
  81. To the men here: the author had some good points, but what he got wrong was the swag part. I made a spelling error, bro. Black guys have a strong niche game with white girls to where they can get the 10% or 20% in any area some of those girls will be hot too but latinos have both the niche game and the range.
  83. Why do White girls like black guys but hate all other minorities? - Im gonna make you fight me if necessary. It has become normal and as higher status white women have realized that black culture is one of the last racial alpha centric cultures in the US they have gone to sleeping with black guys more and more.
  85. Having , I thought I would also touch on the subject of white males approaching non-white women. Interest in black female and white male pairings does exist in the US. So, what is important for a white American male to remember if interested in approaching a typical black American female in the USA? When approaching these women, it is important that you distance yourself from this as much as you can. Social circle game can be valuable here, just as it is for black men looking to date interracially as I. By building strong friendships with people of multiple backgrounds and winning social proof among multiple groups, you can improve your chances of gaining romantic interest from a diverse group of women. She will want to be treated like any other girl. Look Within Diverse Friend Groups In a previous article discussing ways in which black men can broaden their romantic options, I noted that black males with diverse friend groups and social proof were far more likely to find non-black female suitors on a consistent basis than others. A similar truth applies with regard to black women. Those most open to dating interracially are going to tend to be the ones open to maintaining close interracial relationships of other kinds. It can be done, but your chances are much lower. Use Contrast Game Loading... This can be to many relationships between black women and white men: 4 out of 6 women also said they were simply not attracted to white men. They felt as if they lacked good looks that they were used to, as well as confidence swag and sex appeal. Because of this it was hard for most of them to really become serious about potentially being able to have a serious relationship with a white man. In order to make this possible, however, it is crucial for a black male to avoid association with any number of negative stereotypes associated with people like himself. Any notion contrary to that is a myth. Only a select minority of non-black women are really into thugs. Most truly want nothing to do with that image or lifestyle. It is crucial to the success of any black male looking to bridge racial divides in his romantic life to avoid association with that image at all costs. In reality, this is just contrast game. Similarly, white men will benefit from creating a contrast as well when they approach black women. Develop a little swagger. Get very comfortable approaching with that confidence. Black men are famous for fearless, persistent approaching — though they claim to often be annoyed by this, the fact is that said reality has conditioned many black American women to expect a man to be confident enough to step to them. There is very little tolerance in the black community for shy guys, far less than you will find in other groups. Learn to dance, an act that will benefit you with any girl, really. Surprise her and good things will happen. Look Overseas Black American woman are substantially less likely to date interracially than their counterparts : The study predicts that if current trends continue, some ethnic minorities may disappear as people from mixed race backgrounds become increasingly common. Ethnicity and Family: Relationships Within and Between Ethnic Groups was commissioned by the Equality and Human Rights Commission EHRC , which grew out of the former Commission for Race Equality. It shows some ethnic groups are much more likely to have mixed-race relationships. Figures show 48 percent of Black Caribbean men and 34 percent of Black Caribbean women are in mixed-race relationships. Relationships between blacks and whites are more tolerable in other parts of the Anglosphere including the UK than they are in much of the USA. If your goal is to meet an interested black woman as a white male, you may increase your chances of doing so by looking internationally. The value of interracial dating is in the choice it provides those who partake in it. Any young male concerned with self-improvement should make the development of this transcendent ability a top priority. Read Next: Clarence I had a black girlfriend in L. She was a good girl, got an affirmative action admission to one of those fancy Eastern universities. Real nice, happy, honestly I should have married her. Black man and white woman, OK. But white man and black woman? Her family were totally cool about it. I went to a couple of their parties and they were just people, nobody said a thing about me, which is to their credit. However, we always got looks walking around in L. Nobody would say anything but we definitely got the old double-take many times, from black men, black women, and white women. A black comedian at a comedy club heckled me for being together with her. Everyone at the club laughed along with him, though. Sometimes I wonder what our life would have been like together. Also, the vast majority of them are so nasty and bitchy I might as well go out with the devil. The one you met was obviously a VERY rare one. You probably tried speaking to the wrong women. I am a black woman and am in the process of submitting my application for the doctorate program to 3 different schools. I just turned 26, just bought my first home and am working in my career. I am interested in dating a white man. What i am trying to say is educated black women are not RARE and we are out there searching for you men. All of my girlfriends are highly educated- we are not nasty or bitchy as the media portray us to be. We are not feminists and think we are too strong. We are out there looking. Just thought that you should know. That is a real turn off to me, like the frizzy hair. Indian people sometimes smell like sweaty spices. Maybe with Game you can find another sweetheart. Not sure marriage is really worth it though. Spinning plates seems a better goal to me. Clarence Well, the thing is, she was a really nice person and she was aware of this. She took steps to fix it. I had no problem. RACISM RACISM blah blah blah. But as soon as I had the chance to experience it for myself, with a girl who was otherwise sweet and clean, sure enough it was right there. Not like it was a deal-breaker or anything! I liked her a lot. But damn, I had just always assumed it was some conspiracy theory. The difference is stark to me. If you think all wiggers are better than all blacks, you should read Thomas Sowell or otherwise see the world. They felt as if they lacked good looks that they were used to, as well as confidence swag and sex appeal. I thought this site was more intelligent than to take what women say at face value. The fact is that most people prefer to date within their culture. It is the ideology. Any group of people can fall prey to this. Do you even have a brain? You obviously have a lack of real world experience. That is so not cool — how can you even claim to have a pair? I was merely asking for clarification. There are plenty of racists commenting on here and I was trying to understand your point. I can only know what you think by what you say. Really I see it as an aspect of an underclass created by welfare. You see the same thing here in the UK but these types are mostly white. Robert Sadler I am not talking about chavs. Notwithstanding the fact that the term ghetto is actually derived from the areas that Jews were forced to live in from the Middle Ages onwards. This is not unique or inspired by black people. If you act alittle beta the indian woman will chew you out. Its no secret the bitching and drama they bring in will be too much. Id rather get the latin girl, less drama,less body hair and more curves. I know I got both of them in the family. Brazil, Mexico, and India have massive problems with their governments and infrastructure. You can visit and live well there, but it will take some active effort on your part to make yourself comfortable. Most people are not ready to take the risk of doing that. Probably explains the low emigration numbers. Jam you miss my point, I mean to say that despite better resources earlier start south America and India are shithole compared to north America because in North America the white race remained pure. Race is the single biggest indicator of nearly everything important that is why it is the most suppressed and heretical truth. Also Brazil and rest of S. A only have had 300 years of mixing over time they will become like India. Ray Wolfson yeah, better to be poor in a rich country than try to remain rich in a poor country that has absolutely no safety net…. That race mixing gave us the super sexy Latinas. You cant hate on something you just started. Or are you secretly upset that this time ethnic men are finally touching the forbidden fruit that is white women? Still race mixing is fine, but economic incentives tax breaks etc.. And this should be done even if nonwhites have an issue with this, as race is important to some and an awareness of the need to be accountable to this group and a need to preserve the future diversity of the species as a whole should be encouraged. The only real problem is that the culture in the west has changed from its traditional origins to one of feminazism, whoredom etc.. So even with better incentives, it may be the case that whites would still diminish in number as the ideology for all women in Western society, irrespective of race, is to be a mindless consumer who destroys the family unit based on their solipsism. Psquare How to approach black woman as a white male? Social status, social status, social status As a black guy. A black man has to give the perception that he has cash and social status to bag the TYPICAL modern black woman. It takes a lot to be confident and to love and cherish yourself as a black woman. I know not all black men are like this but when all you see are ballers, rappers, actors, and black men all over the blogosphere trashing black women or trading them in for white women its hard to separate it. True, but I am speaking of a certain type of black woman here, not black women in general. In my experience the type of black women that hang with interracial friends are hotter and thinner and do not give black guys the time of day. This is a key indicator of her attitude because black women in general tend to insist on an all black crowd and go to all black venues. In addition, their mannerisms are different from general black women. These types of black women are usually even MORE hostile to me I am black than any non-black woman. I think you can present yourself as white culture Western and get white culture Western black women. You will need white world DHV. Maybe she equates being white as white world DHV due to her background. Plenty of hot white chicks want big black dick, so we both know your difficulties are more than compensated on the whole. The fact that the girl tends to hang out with a diverse crowd is indicative of her openness to try new things and interact with different people. But her hostility to you seems misplaced, especially if she is open-minded enough to hangout with a diverse crowd. I just keep moving to the next one, but it is something I have definitely noticed over my years of experience. Besides their being hotter, I am attracted to their mannerisms I like educated, well traveled women that are not loud and aggressive. The entire group is usually into white men including the Asian, Latino and black girl. Robert Sadler Speaking as a black man I have found women of all types can be hostile to me. The most hostile have been American White women. Not sure why the light skin chicks are hostile to you but I have found with some girls, light skin and dark skin, ghetto chicks and college girls, they are hostile because they are scared of being hurt. Easier to discourage you than deal with the possibility that you will leave after getting what you want. I have found I could disarm that hostility by calling their bluff and giving them a little something back. THAT is the distinction I am trying to make. I just happened to list some gorgeous light-skinned celebrities that are into white men I am black too and yes all types of women can be hostile. But in my personal experience, while white women even when not interested in me will at least be polite and carry on a nice conversation, their black friend will not give me the time of day. In fact there was one situation where I approached a beautiful black woman that was with some white females. We both laughed and I was on my way. I appreciated the honesty. I know for me, I am incredibly selective in who I date. I have to deal with that possibility with white men all the time, but I refuse to be some temporary, racial conquest by my own men. Read my comment again I was certainly not speaking of all black women. I flirt all the time with women of all races that I am NOT interested in nor are they interested in me. Most women of all races — including black women understand that. So to reiterate, in my own experience, when I see a black woman hanging with a group of white women, she is usually into white guys no problem with me there but many seem to have to put up an extra barrier to black men. You made an interesting point above about yourself that made me think. Black women that ARE into black men, seem to feel that they must protect themselves and their radar for a guy that dates outside is very strong. But many mistake willingness to date non-black women with refusal to date black women. I am NOT one of those. The only issue I see with interracial dating is when a man or woman completely rejects their own race. It is unfortunate that you feel that black woman who are interested in dating white men exclusively, would have such a reaction to you. I think this is more of byproduct of being a woman more than anything else…fear of being an object or some sexual plaything to a man…and flirting with one friend, to the next friend can certainly illicit that feeling. I do believe most black women, are able to easily sense this type of man as well. I do not think it is as you put it, sensing the type of man that would just generally be opened to dating outside of his race. One can be open minded to exploring other races and cultures and still have a love and acceptance for their own people. I personally would not have a problem with a man like that; but the former type of man…the one that rejects his own people—women who look like his mother and sister—I can sense that and a lot of other sistas can sense that too. Anyway, best wishes to you in love and relationships. I suppose it is far better to have someone tell you straight from the start their preferences than to have someone lead you on. Same with a group of white women. It just read to me like that was the situation, you hit on the friend and then hit on her and I thought maybe that was the reasoning for her response. But if that is not the case and it is the way you say things are, that is truly unfortunate. You seem to value that they are with white men. Because black men have the most access to black women and there are a variety of black women who are ignored by black men …. Black males value whiteness whether in the form of a man or a woman. It is a validation to yall. Just like Robin Thicke and his wife. They knew each other from highschool, its not a prejudice against black. Yes, mixed race women, when all goes right, can be stunning. There is no in-group America. It is balkanized cannibalilsm at this point per cultural Marxism. America for all intents and purposes is dead, and so is the American identity. I suppose we are all the human race, but mortal life is a race condition with conflict. Cooperation is only useful in the context of winning at conflict, partially or totally. My point is that they do NOT have the same tastes and do NOT respond to the same game as regular black women. Many of the women pictured above in the article e. I honestly believe well over 90% of black women would date white men if they could and if white men took them seriously. If you go on those dating sites, just to browse there are hundreds of attractive black women that are seeking white men. However, black Americans ARE tempered blacks to varying degrees. White slave owners enjoyed themselves AND got new slaves from the deal in America. The British in Jamaica put mixed offspring into a middle social class, and chattel slavery died there first by about 30 years. In the end, we watch how she walks and talks to judge. Like white women, black women who identify more with group identity than individual identity carry the issues and opportunities of that subculture. Again, I think we all see the same thing but are just making it see different in the expression. Considering when most white men date black women they go for the darkest and not lightest black women , you protest a little too much here. All features stem from Africa. So you are trying to make this a mixed women look better thing when all you are really saying is AFRICAN women look better. All features found around the world can be found in Africa. Hence why the continent is known for having the most diversity. You want to make this a black woman is ugly thing. Monica Raymund looks plenty good to me. Aside: Dr Caveman seems right on to me, go for the educated yet not white feminist types by definition type. I will handle that shit test now. Caveat: Tempered black open the possibility of the propagandic multicultural diversity identity that can be worn on the sleeve. Stay away from those. All women are selfish individuals, perfectly natural but feral, but most women have internalized the PC superficiality of diversity as high status, and some mixes are living it, requiring constant evidence of being part of a recognized and superlative demographic group. She looked like she had some black heritage. Blacks were not used in Mexico, so most Mexicans are not black. Brazillians are substantially black. I will be sure to ask for genetic testing as a prerequisite for applying Game. I like some booty and I believe that is usually from black heritage. Check out who does and does not get sickle cell anemia and you will know who is black and relatively how much. I know what I like when I see it. I think my generalizations are valid. Funny how the relative genetic proportions corrolate with relative prosperity and sophistication by nation. Generalizations go out the window when evaluating a single woman because there is specific information there. He fails to mention that the majority of black women have absolutely terrible personalities ghetto, loud, attitude. You couple this with the fact that white people are the most likely to only want to date within their race and you realize. You want to date a black girl? Learn to get over her most likely terrible personality. I have been with a lot of black women, in the states and outside the states, and if anything black women are the easiest race for me to hook up with. The reason you see black girls with white guys outside the states, is because their personalities are 10x better on average. Dr Caveman In the US, black women tend to fall in one of three categories: ghetto trash, religious nuts and smart educated girls. Focus on the latter ones, obviously. Day game universities or find them in online dating if you are a tall, educated white guy. Treat race as a non-issue, tease her with being a racist if she presses you black girl hamster rocket fuel! All women can be beautiful, and all can be a right pain. The one thing I have learned is that the indoctrination read culture can make a huge difference. And it is true that if your luck is not panning out in one country, you could be having a great time with the women in another. John Rambo HELL YES I LOVE THIS ARTICLE! I AM A WHITE MAN WHO HATES WHITE WOMEN BUT YOU GIVE ME A HOT BLACK WOMAN AND I CAN ROCK OUT LIKE RAMBO ALL NIGHT LONG WITH HER! I GOT THE MOTHERFUCKING JUNGLE FEVER AND THERE IS NOTHING THAT TURNS ME ON MORE THAN A SEXY BLACK WOMAN! I JUST WANNA SLAM MY COCK INTO THAT BLACK PUSSY AND MAKE HER ROAR IN DIVINE HEAVENLY ORGASMIC BLISS!!! Race is not an issue, at least not as much as proper behavior and culture. Taste all the colors of the rainbow and speak from experience, not preconceived notions. This race issue has been beaten to death in many corners on the internet. ROK is a site for smart people, enlightened people. And frankly, it is unbecoming of a proper man to speak ill of something without actually experiencing it. White, Black, Brown, Yellow. Try them all and then decide. Equal Opportunity Dater Though I have a great preference for Latinas and Nordic women, some of the Black American women can blow pretty much every other group out of the water,when they got it going on. But they are very rare. They tend to way overdo it. There are few attractive African American women, in terms of looks. But as it stands, black women are not viable for marriage. African women, maybe, but not African American women. Mark Zolo I love me some dark meat. Swag is definitely important. So what happens with mixed race babies? Do they incubate for eight and a half months? I know that IQ tends to be the average of the two races so about 93. What about incubation time? It seems his mayoral run is going to be attention-whoring and pandering. There are many tragic tales of murder and assault, but the brutal slaying of Jan Pieterzak might be among the most horrific: josorio300 Bottom line: black males do not like seeing their women folk giving themselves mind, body, and soul to a white man anymore than a white man would want to see a white woman giving herself to an African. The difference is white men no longer respond violenly as they once did but blacks will. Decades of conditioning is having its effect on the white man. As I see it, most white men today are weak metrosexuals who immediately bow down to the African as his superior. Only white men care about that sort of thing because a lot of white men are raised to be secretly racist. I have white men and women in my family due to interracial relationships and NOBODY in my FAMILY CARES. Either you manage to seduce her or you fail. What is wrong with merely wanting to sample some pussy variety? Too Good to be true? Not one word of this is a lie. If a black woman meets all of the standards you expect of a woman the number of white friends should be an irrelevance. There are a lot well mannered non-ghetto black people. There are a lot of ignorant ghetto white people. But I judge people on their individual merits. As far as attitude goes, I do not find black women have any more attitude than white women, in fact maybe less. Maybe its something to do with you? And as far as trying to be the man in the relationship — I find black women to be the most doting and feminine of women. They want to take care of their man and doing feminine things seems to satisfy them. If anything, white women want to be the man in the relationship. In professional settings its virtually all white women, worried about their careers, leaving their children at day care or their surrogate child read dog in a cage all day. Nick Thomas One great reason to go for black or brown women — they age much, much better than white women. These are usually the women who look 25 into their 40s. The 40-something women who actually look young and are still bangable — Stacey Dash, Gabrielle Union, Halle Berry, etc. Compare Stacey to Madonna and anyone would know what you mean. Just like you white people have Honey Boo Boo and her mother, blacks have theirs and just like you have your white supermodels, we have slim fit black women as well. People are people, ignore what limited scope you see from tv and go out into the world to know. Tetsuji Yeah, I know what you mean. Nowadays I cringe whenever I see a white girl wrinkling her forehead because it looks so disgusting and makeup only covers up those forehead wrinkles so much. Ray Wolfson although things are more racially integrated in the UK and Europe, especially with black people, i have noticed the greeting of flicking the head back slightly works very well, especially with black males…. Moving the head forward is a submission. In the extreme it becomes a bow. We be cool and shit. It might prove instructive. It also brings out the hypocrisy of a certain subset of black women, who get offended when they see black men with white women but are ardent fans of the main pairing of this show-and they themselves are dating white men. However, in the larger context of what seems to be a bias in BW and their views on interracial dating, well that largely stems from BW being tired of black men using them as a stepping stone to a white woman. It comes from BW being tired of being marginalized and condemned by their own black men, being unfairly linked up with the ghetto, boisterous black women, even though their have been many black women who have proven to be otherwise—yet even still BM continue to give this as their primary reason for disowning black women. I for one, have been largely turned off from dating black men. This rooting for the interracial relationship comes from these stigmas that our OWN black men have placed upon us. The first semi-black woman I was with had a very racist father — he was black, and her mother asian. She was simply — gorgeous. But she got a major kick out of the racial aspect of our relationship. Her race was part of that, but no larger than hair color to me. I think women are more concerned with race than men are, since they care more about what others think — to a man, all that matters is having a woman he finds attractive and turns him on. You need to generate a new working hypothesis. It is only his attitudes that can generate hypocrisy. Having a predilection for Asians is just as racist as having an antipathy for whites. You seem to be confusing the concepts of racial purity with those racism. The advice above is solid, and I would re-emphasize not to treat her like a novelty. My general rule is that racial and cultural issues do matter but we should also treat people as individual human beings. InterracialDating Some women additionally discover some effective Black Women With White Men, rich and chivalrous and it may be among the variables that entice them to white men. Also, men are men. If a woman can discover a good man in an additional colour, after that she should not be concerned concerning exactly what other individuals think of Black Women White Men Dating. So, if you want to look for people with which you can date, you are at the right place. With a brave heart to love. This is a paradise where love is color blind. Austin J Beautiful black and brown women are everywhere! I every time I go out to the supermarket, a restaurant, the movies, I see many gorgeous women with darker skin. I was at the pumps and seen 2 kids jumping around in the backseat of a extend cab 4wheel drive Chevy with TX plates, and out of the store comes a black girl wearing wrangler jeans and ropers. She opens the door and low and behold the dad had to be white. You reckon that would be love at first sight? She was a little on the ghetto side. Her father and mother were never married. In fact, her father was married to some one else and her mother was basically his lifetime mistress. Her family was definitly ghetto and her circle of friend were almost all black. She went into some moderately serious debt buying brand new furniture for her apartment, but never seriously dedicated herself to paying it all off. She was content to make the minimum payments only. If she had money, she spent it. I had to nix our joint account, or we would have been completely broke at the end of each month. On the other hand, she took great care of her mother who was in a nursing home when we met , liked country and western music, was really into fitness, kept herself thin, and definitely prefered white men. Her skin was caramel brown. Her hair was as kinky as it could be, but she would treat it to keep it relaxed. She could be incredibly passionate and was up for anything in bed. She could be really sweet, but if you pissed her off enough, she could be loud and ultimately violent. Because her father and all her brothers cheated on their wives, she just assumed that all men were like that and would accuse me of cheating on her all the time. When I pointed out to her that I was home every night and every weekend, she said I could be cheating on her during my lunch break. There was no convincing her. It got to where we were fighting for one week and madly in love the next, over and over again. Eventually I had enough of this and divorced her. I had to pay alimony for about 18 months, but it was worth it. In my opinion it was much easier for me to be successful with a black girl than with a white girl. I was dating two or three at a time, but I refused to commit to any of them. My one experience being married to one had been enough and I had no desire to go through that again. So this vets advice is to date black women as much as you want, but think long and hard before marrying one. My experience is with my current gf; the best relationship I have ever had, compared to the ww I dated and especially the white ex-wife. She is first generation Caribbean-American—parent from the colonial British West Indies. Exceptional home training—two parent family, well educated, articulate, lovely accent, demure, modest. Conservative family values her n was 1 when we met and so bonds with me very well—she is always after me!. Taught by her mom to manage a household, so she is a great cook. Religious, but not crazy about it; for her, it is more about having a good moral grounding to carry her through life. Very attractive, dresses well, keeps herself in good shape. Medium length natural hair, pretty brown skin complexion. I can take her anywhere, and with pride. Beautiful women are keenly away that men are only after them for their looks in the same way that black women are keenly aware that some men are after them because of the color of their skin. First giving advice to black males, then white males. Reciprocity and all in a well thought-out form. As a white guy, I have been under the impression, true or false, that high quality black girls are quite interested in white guys, more so than say white girls are in black guys. Maybe this is more a consequence of whites having usually higher social status, than something directly related to skin color. But I see black athletes, arguably the most attractive black guys, with white girlfriends, and beautiful black girls with average white boyfriends. For better or worse, I lived for a few months in a district of a big european city where a lot of immigrants lived. In fact, there were so many that I was often the only white on the bus, in the street, in the supermarket. Koki Eye El Magiko I think any logical man would date across barriers. In college, you can find one interested to explore new things and obtain exposure to other people. After college, chances become slimmer. After college, Its just difficult to find a black woman open to dating outside her race, has no kids, and not obese. College has the best odds. Black women need a dominant man, not some sissy beta fag. In America, attractive alpha white men could probably have their pick of the litter of attractive black girls. Beta white males can barely handle a white female let alone a black female. That being said, If you are a white male your chances of landing a black chick go up if you are either 1. Mesh well with Black people in general. African-Americans did that in the 90s. Prior and after it has been strightening the natural hair or just going natural. Christelyn Russell-Karazin First off, I appreciate the conversation as well as the commentary. However, I think the author gets it half wrong. Allow me to explain: The author is telling thousands of male readers that basically black women value swagger above all else. ThankyouverymuchMTV, BET, and all rappers of the millennia. He, like many non-black men, think that most black women worship on the alter of black penis. I know, because I get the notes from these dudes. In essence, the author is giving the right advice for the WRONG type of black woman. If you want to hear real commentary from real, high-value black women who are interested in dating you, perhaps you should visit here: Athlone McGinnis The author is telling thousands of male readers that basically black women value swagger above all else. Those most open to dating interracially are going to tend to be the ones open to maintaining close interracial relationships of other kinds. It can be done, but your chances are much lower. So, what was actually said here? There are black women who do not put such a high premium on swagger. These are the black women who offer the highest potential return on investment for white males interested in black women. He, like many non-black men, think that most black women worship on the alter of black penis. Most black women do tend to prefer black men. This is the case with other women as well white women generally prefer white men, asian women generally prefer asian men, etc, etc. You accuse me of treating black women as a monolith. I specifically stated that such girls do exist and encouraged readers to approach them. In essence, the author is giving the right advice for the WRONG type of black woman. I never said this was the case. In this article, I specifically encouraged readers looking for advice on this subject to seek out black women who are not putting a high premium on that kind of behavior. So with all respect to the Pick Up Artist who wrote this, please get the phuck outta here with that bull spit. The fact that you think it is leads me to suspect that you either did read the article you are now commenting on, or simply failed to properly comprehend it. Greezy Oh my lord, AG you are such a cunt. Even when bickering with a female, you sound like a straight-up bitch. I refuse to suggest you are beta, as many on this site do. You are 100% bitch, taxed and tariffed. The topic: white guys hooking up with black ladies. Who is the expert? In what twisted fantastical reality are you an expert on getting laid? Honestly, tell your legions of fans how long ago you actually lost your virginity. And you really expect people to listen to shitty advice offered up by some blogging puke who has been having sex for, at best, a handful of years? Here, McGillicuddy, let me do it for you: haters gonna hate. I look forward to your response. You are 100% bitch, taxed and tariffed. Precisely all of it is wrong. Tell us all so we know just who is offering up this shitty advice each week. Precisely all of it is wrong. McGillicunty, you prove it every Monday. Is this your contention? Show the world what is wrong with my writing. Whether or not this conversation comes to resemble such discourse is up to you. Is this your contention? My contention is that you are a bitch, and not qualified to offer advice, based on your lack of experience. What I said was your advice was shitty. I also stated that explicitly above can you fucking read? In this case, the case of your articles, YOU are the source. And again it is my contention that you are not qualified as a valid source of advice. I have questioned your qualifications as a glorified sex advice columnist based on your inexperience. You have proven unwilling, by refusing to answer a couple simple questions. Not really black, not really Irish. You have proven time and again in the comment sections of your articles that you are completely inept at recognizing irony and sarcasm, so maybe we should stick with what works. As I was saying, the burden of proof is with you. Prove to us all that you are qualified to offer advice. Whether or not this conversation comes to resemble such discourse is up to you. So, realistically, the direction this conversation takes is up to you. You can be forthright, and offer up a smidgen of candor. Or you can continue to act like a bitch. Which path will McGillicunty choose? What I said was your advice was shitty. I also stated that explicitly above can you fucking read? That IP has also used dozens of handles Greezy, Tugboat, D, Patricia Holloway, Liz Cartman, Kathy Engerdon, Mary Hartwell, Alice Bramwell, etc, etc. You accuse me of lacking candor, credibility, authenticity. Yet here you are, hiding behind a legion of usernames and IPs and, at times, posing as a female in order to comment here. You promote authenticity while bending your gender identity online. You call me a bitch while actively assuming the identity of multiple females in order to comment here. Your entire presence here is defined by fronts. You have no credibility. Why should we believe you? Anyone can say that. You want proof of my experience? Do you know why? I find it hilarious that you thought the same person was writing all these posts, as male and female. That person in your mind is merely an amalgam of all the people who dislike you and are clever enough to disguise their IP address. But that has nothing to do with you, does it? No, the fellows ladies? That person in your mind is merely an amalgam of all the people who dislike you and are clever enough to disguise their IP address. Okay, do a little research on the TOR browser. Google it, you half-wit. Then maybe you will understand that all of those comments linked to the same IP address are coming from different people who are all using TOR, or some other appropriate facsimile. Wipe the egg off your face. All of those comments you think are coming from one place, because of your pedestrian understanding of IP addresses, those are many people who hate you. So do yourself a favor, google it and stop looking like such an asshole. I have used only one email here, one referencing hyenas, and that email has not been used on any other comment threads. I know this because I opened it for the soul purpose of commenting on this specific thread. So once again, you are wrong as fuck. You look like an out-of-touch paranoid clown. Big tough McGillicunty, flexing his virtual power in the man love osphere, because he has none in the real world. Ivy League my ass. Okay, do a little research on the TOR browser. Google it, you half-wit. Then maybe you will understand that all of those comments linked to the same IP address are coming from different people who are all using TOR, or some other appropriate facsimile. Wipe the egg off your face. All of those comments you think are coming from one place, because of your pedestrian understanding of IP addresses, those are many people who hate you. So do yourself a favor, google it and stop looking like an asshole. I have used only one email here, one referencing hyenas, and that email has not been used on any other comment threads. I know this because I opened it for the soul purpose of commenting on this specific thread. So once again not surprisingly , you are wrong. You look like an out-of-touch, paranoid, clown. Big tough McGillicunty, flexing his virtual power in the man love osphere, because he has none in the real world. For someone so smart, you sure are a stupid fucker. Ivy League my ass. Athlone McGinnis For someone so smart, you sure are a stupid fucker. Google it, you half-wit. Then maybe you will understand that all of those comments linked to the same IP address are coming from different people who are all using TOR, or some other appropriate facsimile. And, somehow, you and all of these other people using various distinct online anonymizers just happened to end up with the same 2 or 3 IP addresses when commenting on this same website. I know this because I opened it for the soul purpose of commenting on this specific thread. Tell me more about how stupid I am, bro. Yes, I must be very quick to ban anyone who disagrees strongly with what I write. My ego is entirely too massive for that. Tell me more about how stupid I am, bro. You look like an out-of-touch, paranoid, clown. A fair assumption given your bitch tendencies, so I posted it again. Tell me more about how stupid I am, bro. You are a genius, bro. I made a spelling error, bro. You are real smart, bro. Is that the best you got? Yo quiero taco bell, muchacho. Is that more what you were looking for? You sure about that? Well, bro, I was wrong. Way to admit your faults, bro. Nah, your explanation is far more believable than that. You got me, bro. Thank you for proving that once again. But you, a make-believe black man use it more than a peckerwood frat boy. Thank you, once again, for proving how amazingly dumb you are. Not to you, nor to any of your ball-washing readers. I see you for what you are: a phony cunt. And it amuses me to needle pricks like you who have a far greater sense of themselves than is merited. Let me reiterate that, for your semi-retarded ass. You and I already know that. I simply find it fun to rile shitheads like you into a lather. You make it SO easy. I started this thread off thinking you were a smarmy bitch who needed a slap. In other words, I feel a bit like a bully picking on the weak. Or as I suspect if you will NEED to say something, to have the last word. Show us both how secure you are, broham dude bro See? I also talk like a black guy! I totally believe you. Not to you, nor to any of your ball-washing readers. You and I already know that. You gotta remind me again. I simply find it fun to rile shitheads like you into a lather. Keep fighting the good fight, bro. Keep on winning, bro. I am anxious to see how secure you actually are. You got me, bro. Thanks for really letting me know where I stand. I hope I can grow up to be just like you some day. I know, I know. Reading: not your strong point. Was then, and is now. Thump your chest from the highest peaks of the man love osphere. Pretend it was you, Kid Cunty the Black Irish, who hung the fucking moon. The irony is so thick, I can barely stomach it. I, too, hope you can grow up someday. I actually touched a vagina before my 19th birthday. Even with your extensive responses, plus the time you took to dig up 3-year old posts I made on another blog I no longer frequent, you still manage to keep your time at ROK down to just a few minutes a day. Maybe, if you continue to lie to yourself, you will forget that person ever existed, much less that that person is you. Was then, and is now. That person was a 19 year old virgin. I am not a 19 year old virgin. Because follow me closely here to be a 19 year old virgin I would have to…be a 19 year old virgin. The presence of effective advice above would back the notion that I have more than enough experience to write accurately about this subject. That undermines your argument. That would be an unfortunate regression. Not the hours and hours you imagine me and my other personalities taking to find things with your name attached to them. I am not a 19 year old virgin. I have no interest in showing this. To needle you, to get under your skin. And I am apparently successful as you continue to defend yourself odd for someone so secure with themselves. I AM HERE FOR MY OWN PERSONAL AMUSEMENT. The more you respond, the more amusing it is to me. Standard advice is to not feed trolls. You feed and feed and feed me. Justify it however you please. This post took exactly 8 minute and 32 seconds to complete. Or, as I called it, a handful of minutes. I am not a 19 year old virgin. The latter would have been impossible for me without the former. This is why I write here and bang on about the importance of self-improvement all the time. That change is hard, but it can be done. I am intimately familiar with that process. I have no interest in showing this. Then you admit you have no argument. To needle you, to get under your skin. And now you admit that you are a troll. And I am apparently successful as you continue to defend yourself odd for someone so secure with themselves. On the contrary, I enjoy sparring with my worst enemies. Standard advice is to not feed trolls. You are a troll. Only one of us is aware of what that solution actually is. This post took exactly 8 minute and 32 seconds to complete. Or, as I called it, a handful of minutes. You took the time to actually time that post to the second? Page 1 in a Google search has one. At least the 19 year old virgin was aware of his shortcomings. As pathetic as those posts were, they were almost charming in their desperation and sincerity. Just like every other bozo who spends half his life on boards and blogs. Guys NEVER lie about that number. Especially guys like you, whose entire existence is one transparent front. There is a distinction to be made between those two. Then yes, I am a troll! You are so intimidating when you flex your pretend muscle in your pseudo reality. I can see why the ladies would flock to your jock. Do you ever tire of talking about yourself and how amazing you are? You remind me of the fat people I used to train at the gym. They start off 300+ pounds. They lose 50 pounds, which is a noble feat by most standards, though hardly legendary. And because they cut some fat, they think they look amazing. When in reality they are still fat fucks, just slightly less fat than they started off being. You are a similar case. Getting laid is easy. The majority of the world gets laid. You are incredibly ORDINARY. Disclaimer: the above statement is not meant to act as a proof or a theorem or a scholarly argument or any variation thereof. You are so intimidating when you flex your pretend muscle in your pseudo reality. It was intended to illustrate your failure. If you say so. Guys NEVER lie about that number. Then again, neither can you. Then yes, I am a troll! Getting laid is easy. Not the case for a lot of young men. That is why Roosh, ROK, Heartiste, and the entirety of the PUA-sphere and manosphere exist in the first place. Where did I claim to be the master of anything in particular? It was intended to illustrate your failure. Practicing, for lack of a better word. I thought man love osphere guys like you endorsed self-improvement. Yet you question me when I attempt to better myself. The context of that claim was in reference to my choice of calling you a bitch, rather than a beta yet another reading failure by you; you should really work on that. In other words, I prefer to avoid trite words and expressions associated with a specific group of people in favor of more universal language. I feel that this is a perfectly good use of my time. Again, honing my skills. Which is why I framed the question in such a way. Athlone McGinnis Well, it accomplished neither. On the contrary, it quite successfully illustrated the latter. Just stating matters of fact. Just honing my craft. Practicing, for lack of a better word. I thought man love osphere guys like you endorsed self-improvement. I know they are no longer representative of who I am thanks, in large part, to my having embraced the notion of self-improvement. You seemed quite skeptical of the concept earlier, however. Yet you question me when I attempt to better myself. As you questioned me. You seem to have a stronger affinity for the manosphere than you claim. Such a profile could only match an individual truly convinced of his unquestioned supremacy and elite status. One is reflective of indirect reasoning, the other is a matter of definite measure. It is a contradiction to use them together. Wow, it IS fun to nitpick! I have stated explicitly that you have an inflated sense of self-worth. Pretty plain, direct language. You think you are better than you actually are. You have miles to go before you sleep. To offer advice is to suggest that you possess a wisdom that others lack. That you have answers others seek. I consider that arrogant chest thumping. That person offering advice is nothing short of hilarious to me. If you want to know where you come off as a braggart or an egomaniac, you do the legwork. But before I go, I would like to point to one useful, specific example where you have displayed your delusions of grandeur. Seriously, a greatest-hits article…of your articles. You threw out a whole bunch of stereotypes loser. My family is upper class, you spoke to my father loser. You are a clown. I got 3 degrees. You will be forever loser. Stop playing on here before I expose you loser. Dmandaman I knew there had to be something pathological about this woman. Exclusively advocating dating white men not as an option but at the expense and ridicule of black men. What a self-hating self-loathing loser. The average Afro-American woman looks very different. In many cases they try to overcompensate prove themselves resulting in extra white behaviour. Most will exhibit ghetto behaviour, even the educated en religious ones. In case you per se want a black women go to Africa, South Ameria or pick one up from the islands. So you set yourself up as the expert on American Black women, you know nothing about them nor can you personally speak for every single one of them. I highly doubt you have the kind of quality as a male not man that most women are looking for so you as coward sit behind a computer screen and spout this foolishness. You sound like a bitter black beta male to me, in fact I know you are because black males are the only group of men I see who say these things about black women. No other race of men wastes so much time and energy trashing the women of their race regardless of their geographical location like black men do. The the world a favor and go feed on your bitterness in silence. For the other men reading this, Black women regardless of their geographical location who are interested in QUALITY men of other races are not looking for swagger, they are looking for quality. SWAG and confidence are not the same thing. Quality black women want men who share their common interests and goals in life. If the women that you constantly encounter are attracted to men with these traits, I would say you are fishing in the wrong pond! While trying to save face for the Afro-American females you attack black males. Not a smart strategy. No other race of men wastes so much time and energy trashing the women of their race regardless of their geographical location like black men do. A Black American Woman First, Just Visiting take a breath. Right now your response is hostile and not the right tone for this discussion. Or most discussions for that matter. To the men here: the author had some good points, but what he got wrong was the swag part. If you want a quality black woman get an educated one, with a diverse group of friends and diverse interests. They just want a man who can uphold his end of the masculine bargain. Keep a good job, not have oodles of out of wedlock kids, treat her with respect, etc. It is not a light skin, dark skin thing. It is not a mixed or fully black thing. It is a thing of how well associated she is with the dominate, read white, culture. And how well she carries herself. All women like a confident, secure man. African American women included. Jaime Moksha I am currently in Nairobi, Kenya. Many of these beautiful ladies have a fetish for white men. I use to travel to the Philippines, but after coming to Nairobi, I will never go back to Asian ladies. Asian ladies may be obedient and submissive, but Kenyan ladies are very proactive in the bedroom. I am all smiles here. Mary More A HALF BLACK WOMENS TAKE ON THIS…. Just be direct beyond a compliment by getting her number. Sometimes a guy will be talking to me and then say Im very pretty and classy and not close the deal by exchanging information. Thats being respectfully interested. I personally have found it kinda found it cute if a guy is trying to work his way up to asking me out. It took my guy three weeks ask me out. Who , Randy Travis and could Salsa dance living in one chick lol. My point was if you like the women let her know sooner than later. I dont need my ass size or a guys dick talent discussed with me so freely as Ive seen with black guys. Plus they could never believe that I have NEVER been sexually attracted to Black Guys. Which somehow always sounds to them that I must hate my fathers black half of me and worship my mothers whiteness. I can appreciate the fact that when I tell an asian or white guy im not interested in him romantically. So i say thanks you were really nice but im not interested. Or fuck you i didnt want you no way. Bc most times I was. The interracial relationships that actually last leading to a lasting non divorce relationships is with white guys being with Black women and Asian women. My personal belief is because they have put some thought into persuing this kind of relationship. Unlike how Black mens interacial relationships usually develope on higher sexual level first, so the intent to have what could be something lasting if the chemistry is right isnt really there. White guys are serial killers and will club you aside your head and beat and rape you and call you a nigga over and over. Whenever a Black women knows I dont date Black men Im told some whack version of this story and they cant believe it hasnt happened to me and Ive never been called a nigger. Its not that complicated if your simply with a person respects you …period. But a lot have this fear. My mom was white so she never told me this story LOL Keep in mind there are more black women who have their degrees than black men and many of them have financially supported them. So its not like there isnt a big pool of women that have something to contribute in a relationship. Growing up in the suburbs and having two different race parents I was normally the type that a white guy or asian guy would find interest in if he were going to date outside. So Ive seen most sides. The biggest issue Ive seen is the lack of confidence that can happen. Ive been lucky to see it in my home and with my aunts or uncles. That one day her beauty may look ugly to you later. Or just the guilt ppl espcially BLACK MEN will put on her for being with you. Which is only ironic bc the black guys who object the most are the ones who date outside their race and actually have nothing good to say about most black women anyhow. If you were a BMW lover you wouldnt seek to get hear the best things from a Benz lover. Date for personality within the package your attracted to. Yes there are some ghetto talking loud black women but arent there some trashy redneck trailer park nonesense going on on the less classy white side that can be found? L Mary More A HALF BLACK WOMENS TAKE ON THIS…. Just be direct beyond a compliment by getting her number. Sometimes a guy will be talking to me and then say Im very pretty and classy and not close the deal by exchanging information. Thats being respectfully interested. I personally have found it kinda found it cute if a guy is trying to work his way up to asking me out. It took my guy three weeks ask me out. Who , Randy Travis and could Salsa dance living in one chick lol. My point was if you like the women let her know sooner than later. I dont need my ass size or a guys dick talent discussed with me so freely as Ive seen with black guys. Plus they could never believe that I have NEVER been sexually attracted to Black Guys. Which somehow always sounds to them that I must hate my fathers black half of me and worship my mothers whiteness. I can appreciate the fact that when I tell an asian or white guy im not interested in him romantically. So i say thanks you were really nice but im not interested. Or fuck you i didnt want you no way. Bc most times I was. The interracial relationships that actually last leading to a lasting non divorce relationships is with white guys being with Black women and Asian women. My personal belief is because they have put some thought into persuing this kind of relationship. Unlike how Black mens interacial relationships usually develope on higher sexual level first, so the intent to have what could be something lasting if the chemistry is right isnt really there. White guys are serial killers and will club you aside your head and beat and rape you and call you a nigga over and over. Whenever a Black women knows I dont date Black men Im told some whack version of this story and they cant believe it hasnt happened to me and Ive never been called a nigger. Its not that complicated if your simply with a person respects you …period. But a lot have this fear. My mom was white so she never told me this story LOL Keep in mind there are more black women who have their degrees than black men and many of them have financially supported them. So its not like there isnt a big pool of women that have something to contribute in a relationship. Growing up in the suburbs and having two different race parents I was normally the type that a white guy or asian guy would find interest in if he were going to date outside. So Ive seen most sides. The biggest issue Ive seen is the lack of confidence that can happen. Ive been lucky to see it in my home and with my aunts or uncles. That one day her beauty may look ugly to you later. Or just the guilt ppl espcially BLACK MEN will put on her for being with you. Which is only ironic bc the black guys who object the most are the ones who date outside their race and actually have nothing good to say about most black women anyhow. If you were a BMW lover you wouldnt seek to get hear the best things from a Benz lover. Date for personality within the package your attracted to. Yes there are some ghetto talking loud black women but arent there some trashy redneck trailer park nonesense going on on the less classy white side that can be found? While I ended up dating a most Latina and white women, a commonality among the black women I ended up dating were that they were either also military brats, or their families traveled a lot. So just remember the personality of the particular woman does play a role. I for one have always seen myself as a woman and individual first, before black and I know a lot of black women who would say the same. Mallory Yes, but the same can be said for black men. MARK BUT YOUR A SELLOUT NOTHING ESLE MATTER WHAT YOU SAID YALL ARE SELLOUTS TO HOMKEYS DOWNGRADING YOUR OWN MEN BITCH PLZ U AINT BLACK BITCH U A HONKEY U NOT BLACK HOW TF YOU CAN TALK SHYT BOUT US U NEVER EVEN DATED ONE DUMB ASS BITCH STAY ON THE WHITE SIDE YOUR LOSSE STANKY AS SPUSSY BELONG TO THEM HONKEYS GO SUCK A DICK YOUR MASTER CALLING BITCH U IS NOT BLACK I CAN TELL WACK ASS BITCH Nicole You know you are making a lot of generalizations about Black Men when you yourself said you have never been attracted to Black Men, therefore I am sure you have never dated one. I am a Black Women interested in dating MEN period regardless of race. I am replying to Mary More if this not evident. As for advice to White Men please just treat us respectfully if you are the type of man that treats White Women respectfully. Simply put Black Women want to be treated just as any other woman does. Not all Women think alike nor do all Black Women think alike. I am sure your odds were the same with any other race of woman. Paramedic Guy Sorry for the wall of text guys, I married a black girl. I was never really attracted to black women to begin when I first saw her…shit. My immediate reaction was that she definitely looked good enough to be part of my harem. I would of never thought this girl would of ended up my wife. A few reasons why my wife is great? Her father is afro-dominican and her mother is biracial. Her long natural hair is also a turn on. No weave, no frizz, just long dark locks. Her mom is easy on the eyes for a woman of her age, I hope she ages as well as her mother. I cannot stress this enough. I RARELY have to ask- she just does. This is pretty self explanatory. The ONLY aspect that almost ruined a good thing is my wife is too educated. This is what kept me skeptical for a white. Although her parents are traditional and they pushed those traditions onto their daughters…they did cough up a pretty penny to put their girls through college. Can you guess which two are happiest? Bottom line, if I would of stuck to what I knew which was NOT dating black girls …I would of missed out on an amazing woman. She gave me a little hope for american women black women in particular. Christelyn Russell-Karazin Congrats to you. Actually a lot of non-black men are coming around to your way of thinking. Despite the stereotypes, many black women are traditional, and seek men to who value that. I myself am a stay-at-home mother to four children. My husband is white. A Black American Woman Christelyn I agree with you 200%. I myself am not a feminist. Another thing is that since many black women are Christians they believe in letting the man be the head of the household. They seem very happy. Black genes overpower white in most of the cases and my blue eyes will be lost, there is zero chance for my children to have blue eyes if there are not blue eyes somewhere in her ancestors. It sucks because I find some black women very attractive. OfficialPro skin and eye color is but one factor, and depending on her actual racial makeup ie if there was a whitey in the woodpile , a lot of variation can be expected. You can up your chances by marrying a light black woman with light eyes or a biracial woman if kids that look like you are a concern. I used to think that I really wanted to marry a woman who has dark brown hair and green eyes, like me, and make children with dark brown hair and green eyes. I STOPPED caring when I realized how many top quality women I was ruling out. And this variation of color is common with a lot of black families. I HAVE SEEN biracial children with blue eyes. In a study, it was found that many are at least 40-50 %Caucasian. And just looking at many of them culturally, there is obvious Arab influence and Jewish influence as well. Before you respond, could you actually attempt studying physical anthropology. Here let me help you get started. There is no such thing as a Caucasian genotype. Every gene is African based. The Asian can be found in the SAN people. The white can be found in North Africa. And the black can be found throughout. Caucasians are a MUTATUON. Those features are African. Just like ALL features. Race was created to make you feel better about your mutation. For goodness sakes, the geography of the world was a pangea, not 7 continents , for the longest while. Mallory Thanks for your racists remark. Indian men and women have come up to her and have mistaken her for being one of their own. So take several seats with your diluted view on race. Mallory See this Is how ignorant you are, because a fool and moronic idiot would actually argue with and tell someone what their family looks like. But continue being the ignorant, limited person that you are, please continue walking in your ignorance. The characteristic of a black person is brown skin, combined with a round nose, and tightly coiled, wooly like hair. Do yourself a favor and educate yourself on these phenotypical categories before you argue about them. Calling me ignorant on a subject that you know nothing of is pure incompetence. Cathy Davis I get mistaken for being Indian from India not native American. But mostly when I wear my hair straightened! It rarely happens to me these days because I have been natural rocking a curly afro for two years now. My family is Creole and most look it! My aunt who is also filipino has been married to a white man for a long time now. Her daughter, one of them, has blue eyes and brown hair. So that answers your question! Also, if your wife that you happen to fall in love with has ancestors with red hair or ablino genes, your child could very well end up with having red hair more orange in my opinion and or albinism which is a skin genome disease. La Bestia Your jiggaboo ass would be all over this like white on rice. And there was a black feminist movement…Audre Lorde anyone? You sound like a confused dumb bitch with Stockholm Syndrome. Dude Paramedic Guy just described his black wife as basically his house slave with too much education, and you see nothing wrong with that? Fucked up to the max. Interracial relationships are cool, but to take advice regarding them from a bs site like this? Jiggaboos like yourself will praise any bw-wm pairing regardless of the fucked up circumstance. La Bestia Heh…but I already have a job. What makes you think that? Oh riiight, just another baseless insult you probably like to hurl at anyone online. I suppose one could tell YOU to get a job based on the same retarded bs. And why would I get off the internet? You sound like a real Ghandi right there. You just regurgitated what I said to you….. In my defense, I at least gave a reason why you and others praising these dudes are desperate. You hurl random insults that could apply to any old body and hope just maybeeee you might get one right. Jen Desperate about what? Do you get this worked up when articles containing misogyny are regarding non-Black women? Who is fist-pumping the dude? You are the retard attacking the women who are commenting on this posts. And you know, for someone who has the audacity to stupidly assume one has no job, you sure have no problem replying all over this thread to me……. Yes, if I come across fucked up comments online regarding black women, I call them out. Stand for nothing,fall for anything. La Bestia What the holy fuck? You really are stupid, huh, Jen. Know nothing about black women…bitch I AM BLACK. That was the whole point of my comment…. The way he describes his wife is despicable…but he somehow still managed to get props from bw. Bbbut but, Jen love, if I drink bleach…I could possibly die. I may call names in an argument, but bitch you take the cake. You a real piece of shit for that, Jen. The chip on your shoulder is on full display for the whole world to see. He wants her dumbed down for his controlling purposes. The black women giving this guy high fives and shit are pathetic and as desperate as they come. Get over yourself, darling :. NoData ToShare La Bestia, I am trying to understand the sense in your comment but there is none. I call any women who falls for a man less than who she is a jiggaboo. Jiggaboo is someone who sellouts for someone who is less than what they are. Anyone one can be a jiggaboo dating someone of their own race, or out side of their race. I have had similar experiences with my gf. You make an interesting observation, and it is important, I think, to address it, distinctions among traditional black families. Because black women traditionally had not been able to ascribe to the white middle class norm of the stay at home wife with a working husband, ie. They are to be competent on both fronts; to do otherwise, would be disgraceful, in the eyes of their relatives. So you have this thing about traditional black families knowing how the world tends to see them, and wanting to create their own reality of respectability. This should be well known, especially to those 35 and under. The term simply is not exclusively applied to underage females in modern lexicon. Just about all who encounter the use of the term in the way Paramedic Guy applied it here should understand clearly what he meant. I mean no disrespect my question, I only ask because I am sort of talking to a white guy and I am very aware that originally he saw me as a sexual experiment. Knowing some of the things you said, knowing your original attitude towards dating black women in general would I imagine, at least make her hesitant. Mary White or not, men are men. Most look at women with lustful eyes. The difference is in presentation and whether the woman black or otherwise sets the tone. I am black and have several guys of all races hit on me and look at me as if I was a piece of meat and they were a hungry lion. I dress conservatively and am conscious of my fitness and appearance. Those looking for just that quickly disappear. White men are no different. Your attractiveness brought him to you. NoData ToShare congrats to you paramedic. I certainly hope that I will be just as happy if not happier than some women with children. Taking care of kids, raising kids? My life is my fruitfulness, having children of my own is not in the picture. Fortunately for you, you met with a mate who compliments your desired life. I am certain I will meet a man who will compliment mine. What if you had to stay at home and be daddy mom for the next 20+ years? Life is meant for more than just the stereotypes we place on each other due to matters such as gender, race, ethnicity, or class. The diligence of maternity that you may be taking for granted may one day be required of you. What exactly does intelligence need to be balanced against? Your need to feel superior? People actually strive for that in reality? Fantasy, sure, knock yourself out, but what the hell, dude? Hailey I realize this post is quite old but i am in need of advice badly. Forgive me and my long post as i am new to this site. I am a black girl, young 19 years old and married to white man. We have a 2 year old daughter and I feel very much fulfilled being a mother and wife and taking care of the home. However, my parents along with my husband, will not allow me to focus on being a homemaker and taking a break from college for a while. I feel sick when i think about how often my daughter has to be taken care of by strangers at daycare, and how much time and energy I am sacrificing by making my home and family come last after school. My husband has a truck, but we use my car more often. I am expected to be 100% in both roles, but it is too emotionally draining. On top of everything else, he wants to add another baby to the mix. If you say so. Good luck with your show. AMERICAN MEN STAY AWAY! Please keep doing us a favor and stay away. American males are not good matched for American Black women At ALL. Too much racial anti black woman baggage. Plus European males have more class and more TRUE alpha attributes. I know plenty attractive decent american black women who are content being single than dating white or black American men. I would never say something so closed minded about men or women from another country. I will not judge every non-American on your comment or a thousand comments similar to yours because I know there are millions of others from your country that think and act drastically different. Unless you know everyone in America personally, that comment is way off base. What about people born here, raised by sophisticated foreign parents? There are so many different types of people that live in the US that any stereotype is absurd. American white men go out of their way to make black women feel horrible and unlike other women and then claim we are angry and masculine. If you treat us bad then why do you expect femininity like the women you treat well just because they are white or are close to white? Listen to what we are saying. European men can be dogs. But there are very important nuances that European men offer such as seeing the WHOLE woman where as American men make us feel bad for being black. Many European men find dark skin an asset. American men literally tell black women that our skin is low social caste. How do you think that makes a woman feel? Like a flowery butterfly who wants to be feminine for him?? They say we intimidate them. How do you think that makes a woman feel…on top of all the stereotypes you all use against us. What bothers me is that white men CREATED THOSE STEREOTYPES ABOUT US in the first place and yet they crucify us with them. Meanwhile European men simply APPROACH us and take us out and actually marry us. Listen to what is being said. White men think we dont lIke them. We like white men. We just like white men who make it known that they like us back! It is NOT the other way around. The reason the Asian and Latina and White woman are open to you is BECAUSE YOU HAVE SHOWN HER YOU ARE OPEN TO HER. Why would we want that? If white American men truly were attracted to black women , they would treat black women like they treat the Ming Lees, Bridgets, and Marias. But European men DO. To women, that is masculinity. Masculinity is protection and representation. That is her cue to be feminine. Women need to FEEL like women to men. Just like men need to feel like men to women. But femininity cannot flourish where it is shut off from. Funny how you all understand that when the woman is white or Asian but suddenly get confused when the woman is black. Men determine how much femininity a woman exudes. Notice how hard core or ghetto many white women become while dating a black man. Many even change the way they talk and behave, similar to a stereotypical black woman. FalloutWanderer2077 Thank you for that beautiful and articulate post. This comment is very enlightening and I sincerely appreciate it. Jennifer Warren Amazing and on point reply about American Men; especially white men. Therefore, we become assertive women, albeit aggressive to build up our defenses for these so-called men. I advise any black woman looking for a quality white man, go Euro. If you want to stick with a black guy, I have no answers for you. When you uplift the women in your race, you uplift yourself, you uplift your race. No matter how much you may try to separate yourself from that of a black woman, remember the world sees you still as a black man, a man with gangbang tendencies. So when you treat your other half as the lowest of the low, you only succeed in lower your own self worth and continue to further your stay at the bottom of the social totem pole. MARK YEA RIGHT YALL DOWNGRADE MORE THAN ANY RACE WE ACTUALLY TREAT YALL GOOD ITS DA WHITEWASH OREO HONKEY LOVING SELLOUT SISTERS LIKE YALL THAT DOWNGRADE TO GET A PROMOTION OR GET OWN BOARD WITH THEM GREEN EYE DEVILS FUCK OUTTA HERE U A SELLOUT DONT TRY BLAME US FOR ALL U BLACK BITCHES ARE MOST SELLOUT AND UGLIEST CREATURES ON THIS PLANET Mallory Wow. So in your feelings. I say this a lot. If you want really good man go overseas! American men have nothing to offer anymore but sex. European men are superior in every way. American men can be so degenerate. I notice they are extremely anti black. They created these stereotypes and then use it against us. Most black women who say they do not want white men are saying it for fear of rejection. White men in America go out of their precious way to deny black women. They will approach any woman no matter if she is in a group or looks angry but will claim black women have to be a certain height, weight , appearance and alone and smiling at him to be approachable. European men allow you to be a woman. American men crucify you for being black and make you feel like you should be excited that they bother talking to you. They are so gross. Yellowpillboy You are right. Most of us white men are too scared to handle sistas, and if not usually only want a quick fuck, nothing more. I have a dream of going into the dirty and dank hoods of America with a genius asian and impregnating as many black females as possible and then seeing what happens. If we had geniuses breed with all the degenerate hood rats maybe the hoods would get better and eventually cease to exist. It would be nice to have a black son though too. They are looking for a bail out from white men. They think they are all simps that will pay their bills. Ask yourself this, any black women you ever dated offer to pay half on the bill or even leave a tip? How many black women ever bought you a gift on a special occasion? How many of them with kids by different men want you to be the step daddy to that kid? If black women treat black men badly. He had 2 kids previously with a white woman. He gets this black girl knocked up and now he is getting a divorce. He tried to be diplomatic about it. But he knows the truth. Jeremy is screwed because he pays child support to his white baby mother and now the black baby mother. Good luck with black women bro! Come to Mr Laurelton Queens. Do you like losing? LOL Dating is not a job, you sound desperate Christelyn. Wi Tu Lo I have had one black girlfriend. She was one fine lady and a total ride in bed. She was one of the most beautiful women I have ever been involved with. And, she is one of the few women that has ever dumped me. I mean, she dumped me cold. I like black women. Of course they come in all shapes and varieties, just like all other races of women. Some of them are jerks, some of them are not jerks. What I can say without a doubt that I have had some of my most interesting conversations with black women. But the bigmouth chip on their shoulders, forget it. Scandibro I am absolutely 100% certain that if I rocked up in the USA with my blue eyes and my Scandinavian accent, well dressed and charming, I would slay black pussy pretty easily. Once a black girl discovers I am an attractive white guy who holds no negative stigma, it is over baby. They are very feminine with rocking bodies, incredible ass and hip to waist, but sometimes rough faces. I admit that I did not really read the article. It is too USA centric for me and I cannot relate. However, I did scan the odd comment and would just like to say a few things: 1. To the men who criticize a woman who responds harshly to a come on. Although, I personally always seek to be polite but firm when saying no, I would like to put things into perspective. The average woman has already been hit on several times pretty much every day of her life since puberty. Majority of these come ons, sadly, are not so polite. I am so sure that my words will fall mostly on deaf ears — but for the odd person who might actually open his eyes, well, tant mieux. To the women who wrote comments about black women being generally more traditional and not feminists. I have had White guys put on a Black accent or walk with alimp around me and it is insulting. Many people automatically reference African-Americans because we have been the most vocal and visible Blacks of the world for a long time. The strides we made have effected Blacks all over the world. Afro-immigrants come to our country with their nose in the air and not a clue of the history of the people who call it home.
  86. The biggest issue Ive seen is the lack of confidence that can happen. Her for was definitly ghetto and her circle of friend were almost all black. Your attractiveness brought him to you. Other venues and clique lifestyle cults taylored for certain tribes glamourize women in pants. Those men will run through women the same as a high tier white male and joke about it afterwards. Bourbonman I met that as well when I was overseas. Mesh well with Black people in general. On a Venn Diagram I probably have a couple of points of intersection with their beliefs somewhere. I was taught the story of Emmett Till by my mother at a young age. The difference characteristic within the collective white psyche throughout history has been an almost complete absence of ethical or moral development and an almost total disregard for right and wrong and or of appropriate patterns of behavior when ever race of a non white us a factor.

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