How many candles can you bring on a plane?

From elizabeth wnickel, 1 Year ago, written in Plain Text, viewed 179 times. This paste will kick the bucket in 1 Second.
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  1. How many candles can you bring on a plane?
  3. There is no fixed number of candles that you can bring with you on a plane. However, you need to make sure that the candles you bring meet the airline's size and weight requirements, and that you pack them carefully to avoid any damage or leakage. If you plan to bring a large number of candles, it may be a good idea to inform the airline beforehand to prevent any issues during the security check. It's important to check with the airline to ensure that you follow their specific guidelines when packing candles.

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Re: How many candles can you bring on a plane? elizabeth wnickel text 1 Year ago.

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