All good dating advice.

From Anonymous, 2 Years ago, written in Plain Text, viewed 267 times.
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  2. Zsolt Says:
  3. August 8th, 2011 at 6:40 am
  4. Hello Dr.
  5. My girlfriend left me because(she said) my mother did some ogly things and I was too nervous lately and because because me and my mother distroyed her nervs and she can’t taki it anymore. my point of view is that she and her mother misunderstood the thigs my mother said. I know that I have my guilt in the brakeup but I love her more than my everything. the relationship was perfect between us untill 2 years and 4 months. After the break I did one mistake. I baged for an other chace I promissed I’ll change, i told her I love her and that she loves me too(which is true) and she will never find somebody to match with like she did with me.She lives in the same city like me and trust me we matched perfectly even our thaughts were the same. now I’m distroyed I started NC but at home I am praying to God to give her back to me.I really need her back she is my dreamgirl she has every detail how I want She my taste 100%. please Doctor help me out there’s nothign I can do without her.
  7. James Says:
  8. September 4th, 2011 at 11:59 am
  9. My wife of 3 years, relationship of 5 left me because I kept relapsing with drugs. I wasnt honest to her about my using and she asked me to take a drug test. She sent me home 3 states away and I have been calling non stop basically for the last 13 days. Their was one day when we were actually talking and we were geting to a reoncile point but the next day that feell through because of family. So I have kept saying I was going to give her space because everytime we have had this same fight after I finally leave her alone she always says late had you left me alone we would of made up sooner. It has got to the point where she is told me yesterday she wants nothing to do with me and that if I keep calling and texting she would get a restraining order. The only thing is 2 years ago when we had our last big blow out like this she said the same thing and actually got one for one day. It was about 2 weeks later but she started coming back after that and I had eventually moved down there. Now Im wondering if she is going to come back around again or if she is truly done this time either way we have both been more mature in the fight this time she isnt changing her number and Im not calling her parents house repeatedly.

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