- https://app.vagrantup.com/okcupid
- https://support.advancedcustomfields.com/forums/users/okcupid
- https://peakd.com/dating/@eharmony/online-game-talking-to-women
- https://www.vingle.net/posts/4066149
- https://seedandspark.com/user/jilie-marx
- https://www.madinamerica.com/forums/users/okcupid/
- https://www.charityauctionstoday.com/auctions/are-girls-intimidated-by-good-looking-guys--27613
- http://dayawane.ihep.ac.cn/twiki/bin/view/Sandbox/TheArtofRejecting
- https://hire.careerbliss.com/company/okcupid/
- https://chipper-composer-5931.ck.page/d1185ac533
- https://community.convertkit.com/user/okcupid
- https://www.ourboox.com/i-am/julie-fox/
- https://graphcommons.com/okcupid
- https://pairup.makers.tech/en/joela
- Trying to be a Brahman June 14, 2012 at 7:41 am
- @Ed and David
- Hay guys don’t give in, please try and hang on in there, and don’t forget, you must learn the art of rechannelling, and divert this energy back up inside your own bodies. Dave and Ed, don’t allow this energy to fall back into the genital area through being turned on by the site of these Hot Chicks, that’s if you want to last it out,, and the last thing you don’t want to do, is allow this energy to circulate around the genital area for to long causing you guys fustration, and not realising that this precious energy, which could be usefull for creative mind or for helping you to solve problems when they arise, mental work such as studies, or physycal workouts in the gyms like your doing, and don’t forget that this precious energy is only looking for somewhere to escape either through sex, or from jerking off.
- Good luck guys in hanging on, but believe you me you will see these results. Just think of some haggid old woman hunch over her walking stick LOL.
- Ed June 14, 2012 at 11:12 pm
- Thanks, I have vowed that if I do get off it will only be from a women, which is what I am really tempted to do tonight, an escort I have seen a few times.