Struggling with My Finals – "Take My Exam For

From Olivia Naylor, 3 Weeks ago, written in HTML5, viewed 18 times. This paste will slip away in 4 Days.
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  1. Hey everyone,
  3. I’m really stressed out about my upcoming finals. I’ve been juggling a lot of assignments and personal stuff, and now I’m behind on studying. I know it's my responsibility, but I’m honestly considering asking someone to "<a href="">take my exam for me</a>." I feel like I might fail if I try to do it alone. Has anyone been in this situation? What did you do to manage the stress, or should I just go ahead and ask for help? Any advice would be really appreciated right now. Thanks in advance!

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Re: Struggling with My Finals – "Take My Exam Olivia Naylor text 3 Weeks ago.

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