One would think no one moves away because, in general, people haven’t noticed quality of life going drmatically downhill once generic whites move into a neighborhood. Basically, generic whites don’t have a neighborhood wreaker stereotype associated with them. I wonder why ? Maybe because generic whites rarely wreck neighborhoods, don’t you think ? Too hard for you. Oh well, sorry. Btw, do you think middle class black people would be happy to learn that trailer trash whites were soon to move in great numbers to their neighborhood ? they wouldnt be happy. Why ? Could it be because of the * totally accurate stereotype * about trailer park whites being a source of trouble ? In any case, there are very good reasons people don’t generally fear generic, non trailer trash whites moving in. — No one believes that white people eat a type of food and then go out of their way to market it to them. — This is incredibly hilarious :) So what you mean is that black people don’t really like fried chicken but have been convinced by KFC to eat it. They hve been stereotyped threatened into eating fried chicken ! Dayum you good. Next you’ll tell us that east-asians are “stereotype threatened” into eating noodles because, you know, they dont really like that stuff here or back home in asia. I suppose next you’ll tell us that whites stereotype blacks as liking urban music and then force market it to them, forcing them to like it more than anyone else.