To me I laugh! They have a character flaw. To judge and look down on someone else for any reason instead of appreciating the difference and that goes for any race, shows a lack of integrity, a lack in character, a lack in self assurance, lack respect for yourself, and lack respect for the human race. I am not that old but I am not really 18 either so I can say this now, lol. I have always summed it up to one big lack and that is Maturity and Wisdom. To the Ladies/Gentlemen- If that guy/girl- is not interested in you for whatever reason chalk it up as a growing experience and move on “you are beautiful!!” and don’t let anyone take that away from you. Just make sure that knowledge is in you in the first place, no one can take from you what you firmly in you core believe. Now, if that knowledge is not in you, become hard pressed to change your perspective and you perception of who you are. It is inside of you find it and you will not ever have to worry about what guy/girl talks to you, because once you go beyond that, the question becomes what quality of human is he/she? Is he/she a good man? Does he/she like children? How does he/she treat his family? Is he/she a violent person? Wow! Is that smile coming from his heart? I realize looks attract, animals use scents and we use our looks, however we have another thing we use called attitude that can draw millions of admires and won’t matter what you look like, (i have seen this). When you see that guy/girl smiling, confident, kind, strong constitution you are drawn to that person, that person who just shines because they appreciate people and life; everyone wants to be their friend it doesn’t matter what nationality you are, they just attract good things in their life, if you see everything wrong trust me everything will really be wrong because you are attracting that in your life. So, as my friends and I would say YOU do YOU because there is only one YOU.