Download epel-release rpm ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ※ Download №1: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ※ Download №2: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Most of the epel packages are maintained by Fedora repo. X and to install the EPEL repository on 64-bit CentOS Linux 5. This system is receiving updates from RHN Classic or RHN Satellite. It's not redhat, so it complains about unsatisfied dependency. Make sure you must be root user. It's not redhat, so it complains about unsatisfied dependency. Epel-release Download for Linux (rpm, noarch) - I am using CentOS Linux release 7. I'm a noob of Ubuntu. I'm following some instructions to install epel-release-5-4. So i found this working url: In this url there is available the epel-release-5-4. Of course, in the end, if really necessary, you can try to use rpm packages converted to debs with alien - but that may lead to many strange and difficult to resolve in a nice way issues starting with dependencies, as in your example I'd rather search in Ubuntu repos for whatever you're looking for. Especially if you're a noob - since trying to use other distributions packages may not be an easy way to go. Other than that - the unknown host would point at dns issues I guess, probably related to your virtual guest configuration. Failed dependencies - well, that's where your troubles start. It's not redhat, so it complains about unsatisfied dependency. I doubt you'll be able to do anything that way with your repo. You can force installing the package, but I'd say there will be not much advantage from doing that. If you really need epel for some reason, maybe you should rather start using Fedora or CentOS? Please solve my problem. Method 1: Install Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux repository configuration recommended Just type the following on a CentOS 7 or RHEL 7: sudo yum install epel-release Fig. If you download the link below, you would get a pan named, metalink. At this point the only safe thing yum can do is fail. Type the following commands: yum repolist OR yum -v repolist less Sample outputs: Fig. This way you can install as many as high standard open source packages using EPEL repo. The difference is easy download epel-release rpm a sense that there is no official EPEL repository for armfhp. If you receive an error installing the EPEL repository then attempt changing the version number on the package in the command below such as changing the package download to 5-5 would mean you would be downlading epel-release-5-5. Why we use EPEL solo?.