How to mod skyrim xbox 360 without horizon ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❤️ Link №1: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❤️ Link №2: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is what you will see in the Memory section of retail dash or under Addons in the Skyrim main menu. This will allow you to install the game to the pen drive as well as install DLC and a new profile. With a diverse range of content and a welcoming, amicable and tight-knit community, Se7enSins is a forum open to anyone and everyone. Dragon King: can υ do ιт wιтн a laвтop Shadow Kidd: what happens if horizon wont open like at all what should i do Cody Black: This is my problem: once I download the mod I click 'open' beside save and all that. I admit, this could be placebo effect. For convert the pc savegame to 360 just change the savegame xxxxx. How To Mod Skyrim On XBOX 360 With A USB - At the bottom, hit browse, go to the extract folder e. Listed in the Software and Stuff step. I posted this on stackoverflow but was advised to post here is a link to the stackoverflow question. I'm hoping for constructive feedback on its plausibility. Update on progress: It looks like there are ways to stuff files back onto the console horizon, modio, xplorer360, etc and they do require some form of signing. As of now, though, I've had no luck. This doesn't work, at least not in the ways I've tried, so next I'm going to try install the entire game to my flash drive if possible and attempt to traverse through the game's directory this is probably unlikely. Here is the question: I'm thinking about buying the PC version of Skyrim to get the Creation Kit I already own a copy for the Xbox. I have read the faq and scoured plenty of forums to see if there was some way to mod Skyrim for a console Xbox 360, in particular , but they are generally coming up negative. I realize the CreationKit is on the PC, but I was wondering if there was a way to set up the '. I believe it is possible to transfer saves between the console and the PC e. It would probably be easier if one could navigate through the xbox's file system to see where the games' files are placed, but with the current setup, the file system is abstracted away. Any help or insight on the matter would be much appreciated. I would love to work on a project that would make it possible to let console gamers experience and enjoy all the great mods available to the PC community. I had figured since it is relatively easy to transfer save information over from the PC at least with Skyrim , it might not be a stretch to load in the references necessary to run a Skyrim mod. This was posted a while ago, but it provides a glimmer of hope:. Was not planning on modding the xbox itself - at least nothing with hardware. I may actually even consider getting an XNA license, if I could have the 'game' really just serve as a hub for apps. A full blown XBox SDK will let you do want you want but I doubt you're likely to enjoy pricetag nor is Microsoft ever likely to grant you distrobution access for such an app. The problem is that there isn't a means by which you can get the modded content back onto the console. This has nothing to do with running signed vs unsigned code, this has to do with modifying the data files and stuffing them back into the game. There simply isn't a way to do this on the console. This would at least give you filesystem access, from there caveats are sure to abound. On a possibly related note, there is an Archive. It has an option to create an Xbox 360 archive - not sure what the difference is but might provide a way to package up a BSA with new resources correctly. If you dont have a modded box you have a long road ahead of you. Many of us even with modded boxes are having trouble modding the game with anything more than simple. This is what I would do. Remove your hard drive if you have one installed. Format a usb pendrive on the xbox. This will allow you to install the game to the pen drive as well as install DLC and a new profile. One this is done bring your pen drive to your computer and use a program called horizon to modify and change your settings. Downlaod and install the latest TU7 on the pen drive. Basicly select inject new file from horizon menu. IT will inject and sign any file you want. Now to install custom mods start with only. This is one area you went wrong the xbox cant handle a. Then follow the same steps as for the title update to inject it into your profile. Now this is a quick and dirty answer. My suggestion is to look up info on Horizon and Le Fluffie as how to use them. My self I have over 40 mods running on mine as well as some custom textures but thats another whole story. I'd vote this up if I could. Tried most of this except for the TU7 and Le Fluffie parts as you already pointed out. Thanks for letting me know about this. I'll try it out this weekend and see if it works out. When you say you have 40 mods running on yours, do you mean Skyrim mods on a non-modded Xbox? Also, the mod I was trying get on was one with a custom sword texture just wanted to see if I could get the references to the new texture objects working. Any help as to how I may go about doing that? As far as textures go that is a little bit more complicated. Send me a mail at jeremyledoux1 gmail. There is alot of stuff that needs to be done ass backwards to keep skyrim running smoothly and not crashing. You'll be able to customize your profile, receive reputation points as a reward for submitting content, while also communicating with other members via your own private inbox, plus much more. Currently I'm responsible at Classic Classes and Birthsigns by Drasanil. I had figured since it is relatively easy to transfer save information over from the PC at least with Skyrimit might not be a stretch to load in the references necessary to run a Skyrim mod. This will allow you to pan the game to the pen drive as well as install DLC and a new profile. Next the second drop down must be an unsigned long data type. This would at least give you filesystem access, from there caveats are sure to abound. If xlast hangs then kill the north xlast. Downlaod and install the latest TU7 on the pen drive. I tried running with the textures bsa extracted and just left mod files loose and I COULD play but there was a bit of stuttering and when I tried playing the main story it would jesus up. If this is the case then we need to extract the files from the original and repack.