Why is that? Seventy Nine | April 3, 2011 at 12:19 PM | No More Mr. Nice Guy said: “Seventy-Nine, you overestimate the effect of porn on men : The vast majority of men that watch porn have a girlfriend or wife and most porn is watched by couples. It’s only a small minority of men that are complete loners with a huge porn collection.” That is true, but it seems like you are describing older guys. Internet Porn is screwing up the heads of the young though, I’ve seen it and it’s not good. When we were young, it was hard to get Porn at a young age because it was only in magazines and videos. But with the internet though… Plus you have things like “Sexting” and all this other stuff going on with the young people. They really shouldn’t see that stuff at that age. It’s warping their minds. I really don’t want to have children. It’s too hard to protect them. Seventy Nine | April 3, 2011 at 12:33 PM | Lady Raine said: “I think most of them already realized that women would have always been just fine without them and possibly also that women are quite adaptable to change and tend to acclimate themselves quickly and easily to new situations whether positive or negative, which is something I’ve seen that men have a more difficult time doing.”