The last thing I wanna say is this : Manage your expectations. Believe me, I have the ability to train you to date almost all kinds of girls. Models, celebrities, socialites, you name it. But whether you can do it or not is another thing. I didn’t get to the point of dating 8-9 girls at one time immediately. It took time and a lot of discipline to improve. X = X, a quality man will date a quality girl and vice versa. You cannot expect to be that be-spectacled turd with bad hair and over-sized clothing and still expect to hold on to a quality girl. If you say other people can promise you that, go to them. But one thing is for sure, I can train you to make that happen, without a doubt.

Risk-takers win more by simply taking more chances.

Look what Masterclass Alumni "MILFton monster" got for taking risks

I don’t know about you but as the year draws to a close, I am eager to make this one of the best and most unforgettable festive seasons of my life and I know I can because I know how to. I have celebrated a lonely festive season before. It sucks immensely. I didn’t have someone to share my joy with. I sent text messages to girls at those happy moments, only to feel crushed within minutes when I didn’t get a reply back. And as much as I tried to deny it, watching others around me have that privilege really hurt me inside. Which is explains why Troy, Julian, Nash, all the TDD Instructors and myself are selling out programs months ahead. The choice to sit on your ass and waste more of your life away is yours. But so is the choice to step it up and make your life skyrocket from here and you know you can trust TDD to help you make that jump.

And your first step can begin next week. Allow me to present to you :

Triad Of Champions : Triad Thursdays

Oh boy, where do I even begin!