Running man ep 154 eng sub full episode ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❤️ Link №1: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❤️ Link №2: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ A little later, Ji-hyo signals that she wants to take the earmuffs off, too. I felt so proud of them! THAT is her role. But he takes the shot anyway. It captures some of the best random moments, from Gary's Peaceful smile to Kwangsoo's Frog Face. I am happy that tonight I will go to sleep a little bit less stupid ahah. I love all RM episodes, be it mild to hilarious ones... - I think it's because we oftentimes use 'girl' to refer to a female. Terms of Use Your use of this site signifies that you understand and agree to the Terms of Use governing this site. Running Man is a reality-variety show that stars Yu Jae Seok, Kim Jong Kook, Haha, Jee Seok Jin, Song Ji Hyo, Lee Kwang Soo, Jeon So Min, and Yang Se Chan. In each episode, they must complete missions at various places to win the race. Each mission is action-packed and hilarious as each member tries to beat the others using their wits and skills. Each week, is filled with fun that includes trust and betrayal, knowledge and skills, physical strengths, and outrageous penalties. Sometimes, they work as a team and cooperate for one common goal. Other times, they betray each other throughout the race in order to win all the honor and glory for themselves. You will be brought to tears each week from laughing at their silly antics. Site Language Select the site language for displaying all messaging on the site including all menus, buttons, and labels. Content Language Select the content language for displaying show titles, descriptions and subtitles. The language will revert to English if your chosen language is unavailable. So all in all he did more than okay. He was sticking with the RM at the sidelines This episode was insanely awesome. Can we please make Park Ji Sung and Evra part of the ring. Ergo, we use 'girl' in reference to anything female, young or old. I am happy that tonight I will go to sleep a little bit less stupid ahah. What does it meannnnns. Zombie School Trip episode being a great example of one of my favorites, for that difference. Unfortunately for Ji-sung, his second attempt fails too. Is it too late to hope that his poor soccer skills were just for the sake of variety?.