loading... GD Star Rating loading... Bella said: January 21st, 2011 at 7:06 pm Mike D, you get a HD. GD Star Rating loading... GD Star Rating loading... Rebekkah said: January 24th, 2011 at 8:55 am LADIES — No one likes rejection and it stings a bit, especially if you like him. However, I think if he hasn’t called you back… you should be thankful. God has a plan for you and knows what’s best for you. There are scriptuesall over the Bible showing that God created us not to be alone, but for companionship. Put Him in the driver’s seat and let Him prove toyou that He loves you and has great things store. He’s a God that is personal and on-point. If you want… pray this little prayer. I dare you!! “Lord Jesus, I need you in my life. Please take the lead and bring me to the place where I belong. Open my eyes and show me what I need to do. You promised me that no matter how far away I am, if I turn to you, you will welcome me with open arms. I look to you right now. I repent of all my sins. Make something beautiful with my life. Thank you for loving me and giving you all. In Jesus’ name, Amen!”