Hannahjoja says: Mon, 2nd Mar 20098:01 pm I agree with (and all internet dating) being a last resort. I just feel like guys sort of have different expectations when you seek them out. I agree with the regular places bit but I’m so NOT approaching a guy. I’m sort of old fashion that way and want a guy to be a guy. It would be crazy for him to want to fit the “man” role only when its convenient. *sighs* Unfortunately, with all my old-fashion ways, I’m single. I’ve thought about changing my stance but damnit, everyone else seems to find love the old fashion way, why can’t I? India says: Sat, 7th Mar 200910:29 am If you are at all religious, church is a great way to go. My mom tells me all the time about how the girls she worked with right after she got married had had some terrible experiences with guys and couldn’t believe how nice my dad was. They’d ask mom “where on earth did you *find* him?” and she’d say “church…” and they’d be like “oh…” sara says: Sat, 7th Mar 20098:55 pm I would say just keep going out, and I’m going to argue the fact that not all boys you meet at bars can be shady. Meet the ones that don’t seem too weird and have a drink, give out your number, but don’t go home with them. Then get food or coffee with them the next day and if he’s still cute when the beer goggles are off you may have found something worthwhile. Definitely go out to new and different places too DON’T just sit at the same bar every night.