Monogamous people live longer, but the wickedly promiscuous person might argue that they don't actually live longer, that it just seems like that, because their lives are so incredibly dull. by Louise C on 2004 Nov 12 - 03:28 | reply to this comment Addictive Promiscuity Promiscuity starts out fun and exciting, like an addictive drug. And, just like an addictive drug, each taste demands more. Each taste satisfies less. Finally, each taste becomes disgusting, and yet the demand keeps growing. KrosRogue by KrosRogue on 2004 Nov 12 - 09:27 | reply to this comment Animals in Form Only? One of the things I've been itching to say, when I hear all this talk about how male dominance is somehow the rule because it dates back to our pre-human ancestors, is that monogamy is NOT natural to our primate relatives. And yet we practice it and we are horrified at those who do not. If we can put promiscuouity (which is rampant amongst our nearest relative, the bonobo), and say, we have risen above our animal origins to embrace monogamy, then by the same token, today we have risen above our animal origins to embrace male/female equality. Now there's a neat bit of logic that makes perfect sense to me. In an age when *alternative* lifestyles are all the rage, it is refreshing to read a levelheaded perspective on an ancient truth. There are reasons why our ancestors did things the way they did them. Viewed from a secular standpoint, marriage - and, by implication, monogamy - may have evolved over time. Regardless of the origins, its all but universal acceptance through the ages is a testimonial to the intrinsic power in two becoming as one.