before we decided to divorce i felt like i was basically a single mother of three children (3 1/2, 1 1/2, and 40) and i noticed that when the hubby was out of town everything ran so much smoother even though it was me handling everything (including 6 dogs and a cat). now people look at me with pity and say oh, it’s going to be so hard for you as a single mom – i try to put on a straight face, but when this happened today at the bank when working on some financial issues i actually started cracking up! i told them that i’m a single mom now (i run the house hold with the exception of mowing the lawn – he thinks i’ll break the lawnmower) and the funny thing was one of the ladies (obviously married) knew exactly what i was talking about and her pity face turned into an almost jealous face. i don’t hate my husband, i just can’t take care of him anymore, nor can i afford him. he doesn’t hate me, he just needs to live on his own and he knows that he needs to grow up and stop using me as a crutch. we’re best friends and that’s all we’ve been for a long time. REPLY 16dadshouse March 14, 2008 at 4:09 pm I’m sorry you ended up taking care of a kid AND a husband. Please don’t hate on all men. It’s not like that in every marriage. A lot of men contribute around the house. A lot of men don’t need babying. And in divorce, there are some single dads who run a household, take care of the kids, stay involved. We’re not all brutes who need a “mom”/girlfriend to take care of us! That said, for all the women who got the short end of a really bad relationship, my heart goes out to you. You deserve peace, love, and happiness! REPLY