i don’t know what the big fuss is. we’re all pink in the middle. October 28, 2009 at 3:42 am Itsme_twan says: Race or racism has nothing to do with it. You’re attracted to who ever you’re attracted to. Bottom line. I’m a Black male and I’ve both sent and received messages from women of all different races. I personally believe that racism is still alive, but not that big of a deal anymore. If somebody doesn’t like you, they just don’t like you. Get over it. Its Preference not Race. Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe you’re not attractive. Attractive is attractive whether its black, white, blue or purple. Racism is when you actually take the time and effort to cause somebody pain or detriment because of their race. Now that I’ve made it clear that its not really race…Preference. Most people tend to be more attracted to what they know. And its basic knowledge that most people tend to be around people of their own race and background. Racism is mostly an American thing because here there’s so many different races, unlike in other countries where there is primarily one race for a specific region. So if you grow up in a black neighborhood and have a black family, and extended family; your probably gonna date and marry somebody that’s black. And that applies to every other race too. Now if you grow up in a more diverse area then your taste will very. So stop throwing race into every situation cause it doesn’t always apply. Preference and Location.