Maria Says: April 25, 2010 at 3:40 PM mr. no more: I shudder to think of anything that Roissy41 would post about “sandwiches.” :) Cad Says: April 25, 2010 at 7:17 PM Mike, it’s 1:00am now in my part of the world on a Monday morning. I went out Sunday afternoon at 2:00pm for some shopping, a new duvet cover actually, and met a blonde music teacher student in the bedding section of the department store I was in. All I did to start the conversation was ask her which set she liked best. Then remarked on her tan and asked if she’d been abroad recently – she’d been to Egypt where I’m planning to go later this year and we were off – and ended in coffee in the store’s cafe before I had to go meet a (male) friend for dinner. I’m just in, we met two women at the bar afterwards who remarked on my shopping bag containing said duvet and a bottle of wine later with them and a venue bounce I’m home. That’s two dates set-up for later this week and I wasn’t even really trying. I’m a little drunk now but I had a faffing good Sunday and I’m not just posting this pretending to be the big player but because I want you to know what a fucking loser you are. You’re welcome. P.S. I think they were feminists. Desi Riot Grrrrl Says: April 25, 2010 at 7:51 PM Well Cad, Mike is not a “loser” for not being able to attract women. He’s a loser for BLAMING womanhood as a whole for his problems. Let’s just make that clear. no more mr nice guy Says: April 25, 2010 at 8:24 PM I agree with you Desi, readng Cad’s comment I felt a bit a loser too.