Arif irfanullah cfa level 1 videos torrent ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ※ Download №1: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ※ Download №2: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Good thing about Arif is that he solves lot of problems in class which also makes his lectures very very long. Any other discussions will be moderated. We request everyone to adhere to these guidelines in order to make this group a constructive platform for interaction. Graphs, charts, tables, examples, and figures are copyright 2012, CFA Institute. IFT videos are amazingly comprehensible. IFT provides a complete learning experience and preparation strategy. Despite having no background in finance, the IFT videos made the difficult concepts easier to understand and then helped me analyze the types of questions I was most likely to see on each level of the CFA exam. Arif Irfanullah Videos - I am deeply grateful to Arif and his excellent Team for their support. As long as it helps everyone in their quest for CFA or Financial Services careers, you can post … questions, ask doubts, discuss any topics or post any content. Any other discussions will be moderated. Kindly stick to the discussion guidelines. Also, please restrict discussions to English. Kindly refrain from sharing any such material. Any posts asking for or sharing such material would be removed. Sharing of any study material is only possible if it has been prepared by you for example - notes, prep plans 3 As a general guideline, please do not leave your email ids or phone numbers in message body or comments. Any such messages would be deleted. For any communication, you can use your Facebook inbox. We request everyone to adhere to these guidelines in order to make this group a constructive platform for interaction. As long as it helps everyone in their quest for CFA or Financial Services careers, you can post questions, ask doubts, discuss any topics or post any content. Any other discussions will be moderated. Kindly stick to the discussion … guidelines. Also, please restrict discussions to English. I can't say enough good things about Arif and IFT. I too recommend these videos to anyone sitting for the exam, especially students who are working full-time. We request everyone to adhere to these guidelines in order to make this group a constructive platform for interaction. Continue your CFA program exam preparation with the most popular prep videos on the internet. Rehix - Arif jesus not read slides like a few online videos i saw on the net. The items which are not ready will be available as shown on.