I’ve managed to stay friends with most of my exes, but most of them were friends before they were boyfriends. Also, it always took that period of distance between being lovers and being friends. But if you loved them enough to have them in your life in the first place then you probably want to keep them in it for the long haul. symone's avatar symone wrote on February 10 2010 @ 07:08 pm: [report] I wish I was half as strong as some of you. I’m just too proud to be friends with any of my exes. I let them in and I got burned, so the can drop dead right now and I wouldn’t give it a second thought. The funny thing is that each and every one of them has tried to reconnect with me somehow (and more than once). Of course, I end up looking like the bad person bc I don’t see how we can be friends if we couldn’t be lovers. Oh well. I guess I’m too young (and possibly naive) to see the benefits of allowing them back into my lives at some point, but hey, if you wanted to push us to that point in our relationship only to find out that you can’t take the heat, then you forfeit everything. There is no going back. If you gamble and you lose, then you have lost. Amy's avatar Amy wrote on February 10 2010 @ 08:09 pm: [report] I’m friends with almost all of my exes. One is one of my closest friends. meredith806's avatar meredith806 wrote on February 10 2010 @ 08:21 pm: [report]