First, I understand we all fear rejection. I can be a perfectionist too! One way to make it less scary is to realize it’s not a personal rejection. Read this article as it deals with how to get over that fear: rejection does not = incorrect. It = not the right match. If you think about “doing it correctly” versus “doing it incorrectly” you’re going to be in a losing battle with yourself. There isn’t really a right or wrong way to do things in the dating world for the most part, it’s just a matter of getting out there, showing people who you are and hoping they like what they see visually, dig your approach, and are curious enough to give you a chance. Be straightforward, be obvious. Yes and yes. I’ve never had the opinion “you’re a sex crazed pig” to ANY man who’s been straight forward and obvious. All I’ve thought was “Wow, he’s confident. wow, he’s brave. He finds me desirable!” You only look like a sex crazed pig if you start with the sexual inuendo or blatantly start joking and flirting and talking about sex. Women WANT to be desired, so the straightforward, obvious route is the way to go. It’s enough to ask a stranger out without building rapport, but your chances of securing the date increase with more rapport. Otherwise, she is only saying yes to her attraction to you, not to possible charm and flirtation you could throw out. If you give some rapport, she could have more to go by to see if there is “chemistry.” I wouldn’t say, “Hi, I’m philip. I saw you standing/sitting here and you look so beautiful that I want to take you out to dinner.” although that’s the truth, it sounds like you ONLY want to take her out because she’s beautiful… Does that make sense? Also, more conversation = more time. And More time= more trust. More trust= more likely she will say yes.