Hello Victor… I’m sorry I don’t mean to bother you if this seems like a silly question. I am a young woman, I’ve never smoked, I don’t drink, and I am a virgin. You said that a woman should come from a typical family, I’ve been raised by both my father and my mother, though my father just passed away due to a sudden heart attack about two weeks ago. If I am raised by my mother for the next few years until I move out, does that make me unfit for marrige? I want to get married and take care of a family and home, never get divorced, and be with a man that I can trust and look up to. I honestly have these values, though I have a lot of trouble approaching men at times, because I do get very nervous and shy. Your “Shy Girls” article was eye opening for me in that sense. I just wasn’t sure and I wanted to hear your opinion, if that is alright of me to ask. Victor Pride says: December 14, 2012 at 9:15 am “If I am raised by my mother for the next few years until I move out, does that make me unfit for marrige?” I can’t tell if you’re being serious or if that’s some kind of haha snarky humor. If you are being serious then the answer is no, it does not make you unfit. Single mothers BY CHOICE are scum. Single mothers by fate are not. Good luck. Victoria says: December 15, 2012 at 6:58 am No that was not snarky humor! I am being completely serious when I say this. My father just passed away, so I was worried that growing up without one for the next few years would make me unfit for marriage by these standards. Thank you very much.