There is no question there are plenty of PEW’s out there, as there are second wives who are psycho as well. It goes both ways. Not every first wife is high conflict and not every second wife is easy going. Also, as far as the man divorcing the woman, the percentage of women who file for divorce is higher than that of men. Annette G. Well, in my boyfriend’s case, yes, his ex-wife filed for divorce. She beat him to the punch by a matter of days, and he was SO ready to be divorced. It doesn’t really matter who files first. What matters is that both parties throw all of their energy into actually DOING it. If the letter above is completely fictional, why on earth would you want someone to hypothetically read that? I’m willing to bet every cent of what little money I have on the FACT that second, third, fifth, spouses, are not jealous of the spouse who came before. Personally, I was more intimidated by the memory of the relationship my boyfriend had with his ex. Not by the person he made the commitment to, but by the fact that he was willing to go so far for a person whose obvious intention now is to hurt him. He stood up in front of his family and friends and promised to love that woman and support her for as long as he lived. That is a BIG promise, and one that didn’t work out. Dealing with really believing that he had no intention of going back to her when we got together was a little difficult. Wanting to figure out what went wrong for them so that I didn’t repeat the same mistakes or find myself in the same situations was also tricky. Learning my personal and emotional boundaries with the kids was very hard. I did envy, at first, the fact that that Witch I had had the displeasure of coming to know had once gotten my boyfriend to make the ultimate commitment. But what it really boiled down to was that the relationship didn’t work out for a reason. Many of them, in fact. Our relationship is so completely different for him than his marriage was, that my mind is at ease. I’m not threatened. I’m not jealous. I never complained about his having to pay child support to help out his ex and cover some of the children’s needs. What I complained about was his ex visibly misusing the money, telling the kids that their father never contributes to their well-being, and still demanding more. When I first met her, I was very nice to her. Very. Yet she did what you did in that letter….she tried to start bad-mouthing my boyfriend TO ME and the only reason was that she wanted him t be alone and miserable and to sabotage our relationship. She went so far as to come on to him, in front of the kids, a few months after we started dating.