Also, people tend to like others that are similar to them. It’s called reciprocal liking. We like those that are like us because they reinforce things we think about ourselves. Is it bad? Maybe but it’s a well documented psychological phenomenon, deal with it. And I agree with some of the people who actually think that responded to this. If a person is only attracted to blond’s, why cant a person only be attracted to whites (or blacks or Hispanic, etc)? Preference is preference, it isnt racism. People who call THIS racism should read about the 1960’s and Martin Luther King, or Apartheid, in order to find out what real racism is about. October 11, 2009 at 4:46 am Alex says: “It is assumed that white guys not messaging black women are racist. That in itself is a racist statement.” haha mart you are such a dumbass but thanks for letting people know your understanding of statistics is so poor that we can safely ignore any thoughts you may have on this subject without wasting any time to read what you’ve written October 11, 2009 at 5:10 am Mart says: @di No, sorry, but I do not intend to “fix” myself. I’m not discarding anyone, that would be stupid, I might miss out on someone who’s character perfectly matches my own. But what are these “stereotypes” I’m apparently clinging to? All I’ve mentioned is that black people have black skin, which is true. I find that slightly less physically attractive, just as I find blonde hair slightly less attractive. October 11, 2009 at 5:22 am