Dating my friends ex girlfriend ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❤️ Link №1: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❤️ Link №2: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Now jump about 7 years forward and today I as well as my friend Tim have been with a bunch of other women. We had gotten together a few times and I had told her things -- personal things about my ex and our relationship, why I was getting divorced, etc. But the reality is that it happens, and sometimes it happens to you. RELATED: Follow Lindsay on Photo credit: Getty Images. I think this really comes down to the three of you -- each of your character, personalities, and motivations. Ultimately, dating a friend's ex is inadvisable. Should You Date Your Friend’s Ex-Girlfriend? - If she's really all that and the two of you are a good thing, cooling off for a few months to a year will be good. A close friend, 32, dated a woman for eight months, then broke up with her. Three months later, I began dating her after hanging out with her in groups. I told my friend my intentions. Is there anything I can do to salvage our friendship? What am I not seeing? Is he a toxic bachelor? Did she cheat on him? A better move would have been to discuss the prospect with him. The part of these dating codes that I dislike is the possessory interest it gives our friends over third parties. This woman has feelings, too. It was your job to try to balance the needs of all three of you. Maybe 90 days struck your friend as too soon to take up with his ex. Maybe there would never be a good time in his view , which would be extreme. The best you can do now is to give him space. Check back with him in a month or two. Just apologize for ignoring his feelings and ask him to dinner. Court him, like on an old-fashioned date. Image Credit Christoph Niemann No Plans? Cool, Can You Water My Plants? Is there a nice way to handle this? What do you have in mind? A colleague with whom I was friendly often made disparaging comments about my height, sometimes in front of other colleagues. I am five feet tall; he is much taller. By email, I asked him politely, but firmly, not to make comments about my height or compare me to his 2-year-old. Was I wrong to send my email? But your colleague may have read your email as angrier than you intended — perhaps so angry that you wanted to end your friendship. Seek out your colleague for a friendly word. It will probably put you back on collegial track again. The Price of a Hickey I had an enjoyable night with a gentleman. However, he enjoyed it so much that he left some parting marks on my neck and collarbone. Is it reasonable to ask him to pitch in for half the cost? Accidents happen, and good partners help shoulder the burden. For help with your awkward situation, send a question to SocialQ nytimes. I am five feet tall; he is much taller. I behaved like a cnut, yes. I hope you can understand that. I'm solo saying that the Average Reasonable Person would likely be upset if their friend did this to them, and they wouldn't be a whiny baby for feeling that way. Fortunately, and predictably, it ended quickly. The consequences are yours to own. Their relationship is between them; it's not your prime tale or your soap opera. This is the sort of thing you do like a year later. All this time later and that friendship never recovered.