I digress, the most important bit is that WE are hurting each other by excluding each other. I suppose that the previous statement is a “no-brainer.” But what is most important is how WE, as a collection of peoples in societies around the wrold can grow and change from this. How can we come together? Tolerance is not enough, and acceptance is a start. I wholeheartedly believe that for everyone to get along, the responsibility rests upon EACH AND EVERY SINGLE INDIVIDUAL. If we all play nice, we will all get along. Of course, therein lies the problem, for there to be good then there must be the evil and therefore, there will always be a trouble maker. However, we are then left with the subjective question of, “What is right?” Unfortunately, this means that until the world can come together and unanimously agree on what is right, then we will always remain with some distance from each other. You could start with the basics, love is right war is wrong. But somebody has to punish those that war. If we are a classroom of students with no teacher, then whose responsibility is it to punish the offenders? Than answer to that question is similar to what was mentioned in a previous paragraph. We have to unite somehow, and of everyone that chooses to unite, it is their individual responsibility to get along with everyone else. Some friendly advice: You may want to be careful about your interpretations. Although the non-factual portions of your write-up had a colorful touch of personality/humor to it; as you are now aware, the responses you have received are filled with protest and passion (read as: individuals that were offended and in passion, think they know better than you). However, don’t let my previous remark suggest that I side with either you or any of your readers. All subjective arguments presented in this blog are fallible and possibly offensive to the reader, myself included.